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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
604 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Miller, M. H., honorary degree, 445 Miller, M. N., member of advisory committee, 301 Miller, M. T., member of advisory board, 264 Miller, P. J., member of Center for Advanced Study, 138 Miller, W. P., member of advisory committee, 301 Mills, C , member of Institute for the Humanities, 190 Minar, T. J., appointment, 390 Minear, R. A., leave of absence, 517 Mining engineering (Urbana), Doctor of Philosophy degree, discontinued, 270 Master or Science degree, discontinued, 270 Minkowycz, W. J., undergraduate instructional award, 518 Minor, Chicago campus, Jewish Studies, established, 151 music, transferred, 139 Urbana, computer science, established, 122 East Asian Languages and Cultures, established, 287 English as a Second Language, established, Jewish Culture and Society, established, 435 philosophy, established, 254 Portuguese, established, 34 teacher education in accountancy for noncommerce majors, eliminated, 255 teacher education in health education, discontinued, 404 Minorities, presentations to board from State senators, 160 recruitment and retention, report to board concerning Native Americans, 508 recruitment to coaching staff (Urbana), discussion, 506 representation in high level administrative positions, Trustee Lopez's concerns, 542 Minority and Female Business Enterprise Act, report, University's compliance, 258 Minority Student Affairs, Office of (Urbana), 5 Minutes, amended, 336 approved, 43, 132, 165, 228, 261, 297, 336, 367, 463, 547 Miranda, R. W., appointment, 108 Misner, J. E., Jr., appointment, 553 Mitchell, J. D., appointment, 446 Mitchell, S. E., appointment, 465 Mitiku, G., appointment, 53 Moher, T. G., UIC Award for Excellence in Teaching, 306 Mohr, R. D., member of Center for Advanced Study, 139 Molecular Biology Research Facility (Chicago campus), supplemental funding, 325 Molokie, R. E., appointment, 419 Montgomery, B. W., appointment, 554 Montgomery Elevator Company, contract, increase, 358 Monticello, property known as Allerton, Piatt South #1, acquisition by University, 286 Moon, R. C., appointment, 232 Moore, J. S., appointment, 344 Moreno, R. P., appointment, 371 Moreno, S. N. J., appointment, 371 Morgan, R., member of advisory committee, 300 Morgan, Robert E., & Associates, contract, recision of board action, 373 Morris, S. A., appointment, 138 Morrison-Crothatl Support Services, Inc., contract, 18 Moruzzi, N. C , appointment, 79 Mounts, N. S., appointment, 344 Muck, G., member of advisory committee, 300 Muganda litigation, authority to settle, 227, 247 Mumford Hall (Urbana), contract, chimney masonry repairs, 276 Murphy, F. J., & Sons, Inc., contract, 93, 241, 251 Music (Chicago campus), Bachelor of Arts degree, transferred, 139 minor, transferred, 139 Music, School of (Urbana), differential tuition, established, 196 Medicine, College of, building (Peoria), contract, masonry and window repair, 428 Medicine, College of, East Tower (Chicago campus), contract, fire safety auxiliary systems, Medicine, College of, West Tower (Chicago campus), contract, Lecture Room renovation, 324 remodel laboratories, architectural services, 220 engineering services, 220 remodel lobby entrance, 324 remodel Molecular Physiology Laboratory, 284 remodel sixth floor south, 319 contracts, remodeling for Sigmund E. Edelstone Medical Student Center, 89 Medicine, Department of (Chicago campus), head, appointment, 9 Mehta, R. G., appointment, 232 Meixner, M., appointment, 419 Mekus/Johnson, contract, 324 Melvin Securities Corporation, assistance in marketing Series 1993 Revenue Bond issue, 238 Memorial Stadium, contract, replace skylights and painting, general work, 252 structural steel modification work, general work, 252 replace skylights and painting, comptroller's authority to award construction contracts, 220 report, vibrations and movements in balcony area, 76 structural steel modification work, comptroller's authority to award construction contracts, 220 Men's swim team (Urbana), discontinuance, 229 Mengler, T. M., appointment, 265 Mercer, William M., Incorporated, consulting firm, tax-deferred retirement plan, 237 Mercy Hospital (Chicago), affiliation with University Hospital, discussion, 186 Mercy Hospital and Medical Center, contract, 316, increase, 422 payment for emergency medicine services, 355 residency program in emergency medicine, authorization of payments, Fiscal Year 1993, 209 Fiscal Year 1994, 209 Fiscal Year 1995, 209 Metallurgical engineering (Chicago campus), Bachelor of Science degree, consolidated, 496 discontinued, 468 Metallurgy (Chicago campus), graduate degrees, consolidation and redesignation, 447 Methodist Medical Center of Illinois, contract, 239, 499 Metis Associates, Inc., contract, 523 Michielssen, E., appointment, 390 Michigan, University of, Medical Center, contract, training of staff in University Hospital, 546 Microfabrications Laboratory (Chicago campus), contract, deionized water system, 351 Mid-Am Builders, Inc., contract, 250 Mihalov, M. L., appointment, 343 Mile Square Health Center (Chicago), agreement witn City of Chicago, amendment, 597 budget, report, 160 budget for 1993, 173 budget for 1994, 423 patients referred to University Hospital exclusively, 510 possible transfer to University's clinic system, 510 report, patient participation, 510 status report, 104 Mile Square Health Facility Board, established, 397 Military Science, Program in (Chicago campus), nonsalaried clinical faculty, 53, 378 Miller, A. G., appointment, 79 Miller, D.J., appointment, 446 Miller, I. FT, report to board concerning University Senates Conference, 463 Miller, J. D., appointment, 8 Miller, L. J., appointment, 108
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