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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Board of Trustees, cont'd disruption by demonstrators protesting use of Chief Illiniwek, 186 special, 155, 537 meetings, executive sessions, review and release of minutes to public, 103, 119, 227, 248, 382,403, 511, 527 public testimony policy, 299, 469 trustee remarks, 464 request for tighter security, 334 meetings with candidates for chancellor (Urbana), 156, 157, 158 new members, installation, 128 officers, election, 129, 411 president, change in designation to chair, amendment to Bylaws, 385 election, 129 discussion, 129 resolution concerning salary parity for University employees, 44 retreat, 29o revision of dollar limits on purchases, leases, and contracts, 430 secretary, election, 132, 412 student trustees, appreciation certificates, 260, 550 installation, 5, 298 reports to board, 169 selection, report, 230, 533 treasurer, authority to receive moneys, 166 bond, amount, 166 election, 132 university counsel, election, 132, 412 Bobco, W. D., Jr., member of advisory board, 48 Bode, L. E., appointment, 466 Bodine Electric of Decatur, Inc., contract, 144, 215, 243, 250, 252, 399, 425, 473, 531, 568 withdrawal of bid, 379 Bond counsel, Series 1993 revenue bond issue, 237 Bond registrar, for Series 1993 revenue bond issue, 238 Bonds, revenue, Series 1985A, escrow agent, resignation, 208 successor escrow agent, 208 Series 1993, bond counsel, employment, 237 Bond Purchase Agreement, 272 bond registrar, employment, 238 Bond Resolution, 271 escrow agent, employment, 238 financial advisor, employment, 237 firms assisting in marketing issue, 238 Official Statement, 271 preliminary Official Statement, 238 projects to be funded from proceeds of sale, 238 senior managing underwriter, employment, supplementary Bond1R Resolution, 238 underwriter's counsel, employment,, '272 Bookstore and office building (Urbana),, co contract, air conditioning \ ng work, 176 increase, 401 architectural services, 147 amended, 94 increase, 322 casework, 147 electrical work, 147 increase, 401 engineering services, 147 amended, 94 increase, 322 general work, 146 increase, 177, 401 heating work, 147 increase, 401 plumbing work, 147 increase, 401 refrigeration work, 147 increase, 401 sprinkler system, 147 increase, 401 temperature control work, 147 increase, 401 583 Bookstore and office building, cont'd ventilation work, 176 increase, 401 ventilation and air conditioning work, rebid, 146 rejection of bids, 176 Bordage, G., appointment, 79 Borg Mechanical Contractors, Inc., contract, 278 Boston, N., member of Center for Advanced Study, 190 Bottoms, B. L., appointment, 108 Boubekri, M., appointment, 371 Bowen, P. E., undergraduate instructional award, 518 * Bowker, G. C , appointment, 344 Bowsher, C. A., honorary degree, 445 Boyle, K. R., elected chair of board, 411 resolution concerning salary parity for University employees, 44 State universities Retirement System representative, 167, 444 Brace, L. D., appointment, 171 Bradley Construction Co., contract, 20 Bradlow, S. B., member of Center for Advanced Study, 485 Bradshaw, P., member of advisory committee, 8 Brady, A. A., appointment, 232 Brady, D. J., member of Center for Advanced Study, 485 Braley, Howard, Estate, sale of farmland by University, 27 Brauer, B., member of advisory committee, 7 Brecklin, C. S., appointment, 388 Brewer, E., Ill, appointment, 446 Brinker, D. T., appointment, 344 Brinkoetter, T. A., contract, 472 Broadway Electric, contract, 176 Brodsky, I. G., appointment, 343 Broeren-Russo Construction, Inc., contract, 32, 241,275, 319 increase, 287, 328 Brooks, W., member of Center for Advanced Study, 416 Brooks Plate Glass Company, Inc., contract, increase, 358 Brown, J. S., UIC Award for Excellence in Teaching, 306 Brown, M. L., member of advisory committee, 7 Brown, T. L., appointment, 135 Brown, Clayton, & Associates, Inc., assistance in marketing Series 1993 Revenue Bond issue, 238 Browne, G. M., member of Center for Advanced Study, 416 Bruzdzinski, C. J., appointment, 418 Bruzik, K. S., appointment, 370 Bryant, B. E., honorary degree, 171 Buchanan, P. A., appointment, 467 Bucker, W. R., appointment, 53 Buckler, J., member of Center for Advanced Study, 416 Budescu, D. V., appointment, 193 Budget, Fiscal Year 1993, academic personnel, approved, 47 operations, 77 report, 4 Fiscal Year 1994, academic personnel, approved, capital, request, 45 operations, 369 interim, 263 request, 45 president's report, 133, 164, 186, 229, 261, 298, 443 supplemental appropriations, president's report, 462 Fiscal Year 1995, capital, request, 337 operations, interim, 551 request, 337 president's report, 442, 462, 547 Mile Square Health Center (Chicago), 173, 423 report, 160 reallocation process, president's report, 44 summer session, Chicago campus, 188, 505 Urbana, 188, 505
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