UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 [PAGE 594]

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Biaxial Shcok Test Machine Building, cont'd plumbing work, 530 refrigeration work, 530 temperature control work, 530 ventilation work, 530 Bioacoustics Research Laboratory (Urbana), contract, air conditioning work, 93 architectural services, 93 electrical work, 93 engineering services, 93 fire protection work, 93 general work, 93 heating work, 93 plumbing work, 93 refrigeration work, 93 temperature control work, 93 ventilation work, 93 Biofeedback program, contract, Hospital, University, 238 Biologic Resources Laboratory (Chicago campus), energy conservation project, contract, engineering services, 374 recision of board action, 373 Birkner, T. E, appointment, 52 Black Studies (Chicago campus), Bachelor of Arts degree, redesignated, 34 Blahut, R. E., appointment, 554 Blair, William, 8c Company, assistance in marketing Series 1993 Revenue Bond issue, 238 Blend, M. J., appointment, 554 Bloss, A., appointment, 50 Blumenthal, B., appointment, 79 Board, advisory, Chicago campus, Engineering, College of, appointments, 48, 302, 487 Specialized Care for Children, Division of, appointments, 263, 487 Board meeting, 1, 37, 73, 101, 159, 183, 225, 257, 295, 333, 363, 381, 439, 457, 479, 507, 541 annual, 125, 409 Committee of the Whole, report, early retirement programs, 40 Fiscal Year 1993 operating budget, 4 Priorities, Quality, and Productivity (PQP) at both campuses, 163 University Foundation activities, 75 disruption by demonstrators protesting use of Chief Ilhniwek, 186 special, 155, 537 Board meetings, calendar for 1993-94, approved, 368 not approved, 298 executive sessions, review and release of minutes to public, 103, 119, 227, 248, 382, 403, 51 f, 527 public testimony policy, 299, 469 trustee remarks, 464 request for tighter security, 334 revision of dollar limits on purchases, leases, and contracts, 430 Board of Trustees, Bylaws, amendment, advance notice of motions and resolutions, not approved, 135 amendments, 385 calendar for 1993-94, approved, 368 not approved, 298 chair, election, 411 Committee of the Whole, report, early retirement programs, 40 Fiscal Year 1993 operating budget, 4 Priorities, Quality, and Productivity (PQP) at both campuses, 163 University Foundation activities, 75 committees, standing, appointments, 167, 443 renaming or deletion, amendment to Bylaws, 385 comptroller, election, 132, 412 Executive Committee, election, 165, 412 report of actions, 224, 248, 358, 529 interviews with candidates for president of University, 544 meeting, 1, 37, 73, 101, 159, 183, 225, 257, 295, 333, 363, 381, 439, 457, 479, 507, 541 annual, 125, 409

Bacon 8c Van Buskirk Glass Company, Inc., contract, 32 Badillo, D. A., appointment, 50 Bailey, A. D., Jr., appointment, 553 Bakker, J. I., appointment, 467 Baldwin, K. A., appointment, 343 Ball, S. M., appointment, 343 Ban, S. D., member of advisory board, 48 Banerjee, P. P., appointment, 108 Baptist Student Foundation (BSF), exchange of property with University, 127, 151 Barber 8c DeAtley, Inc., contract, 93 Barber-Colman Company, contract, 33, 145 Barnett, B. M., appointment, 305 Barrett-Perry, C M . , appointment, 467 Barry litigation, settlement, 364 Bartholmey, S. I., member of advisory committee, 7 8, 301 Barton, Helen M., Estate, establishment of quasiendowment, 207 Baser, T., member of Center for Advanced Study, 138 Basketball coach (Urbana), contract negotiations, review by Board of Trustees, 506, 512 Batchelder, L. W., member of advisory committee, 301 Bauldrick, W., member of advisory board, 302 Bauman, K., member of advisory committee, 301 Bay, M. E., appointment, 192 Baym, G. A., member of Center for Advanced Study, 191 Baym, L. H., appointment, 232 Bazzani, C. S., elected comptroller of board, 132, 412 Beak, P., member of Center for Advanced Study, 416 Beatty, V. L., member of advisory committee, 301 Bechtel, D. S., leave of absence, 233, 517 canceled, 233 Beck, R. J., undergraduate instructional award, 518 Becker, C. A., appointment, 108 Becker, R. A., undergraduate instructional award, Silver Circle, 233 Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology (Urbana), contracts, Bioacoustics Research Laboratory, 93 director, appointment, 304 Begovich, M. B., appreciation certificate, 260 installation, 5 report, problems with Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC), 77 student discipline procedures, review of, 134 report to board, 169, 188, 229 Behavioral Sciences Building (Chicago campus), contract, fire safety auxiliary system, 428 interior signage, guidelines and system, architectural services, 428 engineering services, 428 Bellew, B. £., appointment, 52 Benefits, Tax-Deferred Retirement Plan, 236 Bennett, L. W., appointment, 418 Bennett, T. C , appointment, 344 Bent, A. F., appointment, 516 Berger, C , member of advisory board, 302 Berk, K. H., member of Board of Examiners in Accountancy, 231 Bernardo, A. A., appointment, 418 Berndt, B. C , member of Center for Advanced Study, 416 Bertha, S. L., appointment, 264 Bestul, T. H., appointment, 343 Bethany Hospital (Chicago), See EHS Health Care, Inc. Biaxial Shock Test Machine Building (CERL), contract, triaxial upgrade, architectural services, F 354 * engineering services, 354 office addition, comptroller's authority to award construction contracts, 473 contract, air conditioning work, 530 electrical work, 530 general work, 530 heating work, 530