UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 [PAGE 596]

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TRUSTEES Capital Development Board, cont'd contracts, capital projects for Fiscal Year 1993, architectural services, 284 engineering services, 284 capital projects for Fiscal Year 1994, architectural services, 428, 450 engineering services, 428, 450 energy conservation projects, engineering serrecision of board action, 373 intergovernmental agreement in connection with a State Police Forensic Science Laboratory, 433 Capital improvement projects, contracts, architectural services, Urbana, 501 engineering services, Urbana, 501 Care Communications, Inc., contract, 61, 557 Carlborg, K. J., appointment, 418 Carle Foundation, contract, 448 Carlson, W., member of Center for Advanced Study, 138 Carraminana, R. B., appointment, 467 Cartier, M. A., member of Board of Examiners in Accountancy, 416 Casey, M., member of advisory committee, 301 Cass Avenue (Chicago), property at 8205 South, lease, 326 Castro-Buchell Architects & Planners, Inc., contract, 284 Cates, J. R., appointment, 390 Cavanaugh-Grant, D., member of advisory committee, 300 Cedeno litigation, settlement, 480, 504 Cement Composite Materials Research, Center for (Urbana), discontinued, 518 Center for Advanced Study (Urbana), members, appointments, 138 , 190, 191, 416, 485 Center for Cement Composite Materials Research (Urbana), discontinued, 518 Center for Children's Books (Urbana), establishment, 109 Center for Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (Chicago campus), established, 267 Ceramic engineering (Urbana), Bachelor of Science degree, consolidated, 496 Certified public accountant certificates, award of, report, 153, 436 Chair of board, designation, amendment to Bylaws, 385 election, 411 signature, delegation, 412 Chakravorty, B. J., appointment, 52 Champaign A 8c K Insulation Company, contract, 7 244,%66 Chancellor, J. W., honorary degree, 487 Chancellor (Chicago campus), housing allowance, report, Hospital, University, Operations Improvement Program, 5 salary, change, 260 salary for Fiscal Year 1993, 2 Chancellor (Urbana), appointment, 169 housing allowance, 2 interview of candidates for position, 156, 157, 158 report, La Casa Cultural Latina, plans to improve programming, use of Illini Union resources, Latino student issues, 4 salary, increased to purchase personal disability insurance, 228 salary for Fiscal Year 1993, 2 search committee, report from chair, 38, 74, 102, 126 search criteria, 2 search for, discussion, 2 Chanute Air Force Base (Rantoul), University's acquisition of buildings and land, 67 Chapman, G. B., appointment, 50 Chapman and Cutler, bond counsel in connection with Series 1993 revenue bond issue, 237 Chapman Service Laundry Corporation, contract, 313,521 Charlton, J., member of advisory board, 302

Buell, Temple Hoyne, Hall (Urbana), comptroller's authority to award construction contracts, 113 contract, air conditioning work, 144 architectural services, 113 electrical work, 144 fire protection work, 145 general work, 144 heating work, 144 piping work, 144 plumbing work, 144 refrigeration work, 144 temperature controls, 145 ventilation work, 144 rejection of bids, 113 Buhr, R. L., appointment to Athletic Board, 302 Building Research Council (Urbana), transferred to School of Architecture, 172 Buildings and Grounds Committee, members, 168, 445 Bulley 8c Andrews, contract, increase, 148, 177 Bunney, E. B., appointment, 489 Burke, ]. L., Contracting, Inc., contract, 278, 565 Burson^Marsteller, contract, 421 Burton, O. V., member of Center for Advanced Study, 416 Bus service (Urbana), student referendum, 198 Bushnell, M. B., member of advisory committee, 8, 300, 301 Business administration (Chicago campus), master's degree, tuition, increase, 492 Business administration (Urbana), Executive Master's program, fees, increase, 490 tuition, increase, 490 master's degree, tuition, increase, 492 Business Administration, College of (Chicago campus), business program, undergraduate, revised, 474 degree, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, discontinued, 268 Master of Business Administration, revised, 475 degrees, conferred, 288, 289, 290, 574, 575, *576 MBA program, fee, established, 196 programmatic changes, report, 196 Statistical Methodology for Business and Quality Management specialization, established, 254 Butte, D. A., member of advisory committee, 8 Bylaws, Board of Trustees, amendment, advance notice of motions and resolutions, not approved, 135 amendments, 385 senate, Urbana, changes, 390 CCDC Foundation, transfer of timberland to University, named CCDC-Collins Memorial Woods, 57 7 Cai, Z-Q., appointment, 371 Calder, J. A., elected president of board, 131 reelection to board, 128 Caldwell litigation, settlement, 357 California Avenue (Urbana), property at 1005 West, acquisition, 6o Callahan, E. P., 355 Callahan, J., appointment, 418 Calomiris, C. W., appointment, 80 Camplin Environmental, Inc., contract, increase, 426 Capital Development Board, contract, 324, 325, capital project, architectural services, 324 recision of board action, 324 engineering services, 324 recision of board action, 324 Chicago campus, Engineering Research Facility, supplemental funding, 116 Neuropsychiatric Institute North Tower, architectural services, 178 engineering services, 178 Peoria, Medicine, College of, architectural services, 23 engineering services, 23 Urbana, Science and Technology Center for Superconductivity, supplemental funding,