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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Architectural services, cont'd Medicine, College of, West Tower, remodel laboratories, 220 Neuropsychiatric Institute North Tower, renovation, 178 Paulina Street Parking Structure, masonry repair, 449 Science and Engineering South Building, signage system, 428 south campus, site improvements, 432, 570 Student Services BuHding, increase, 282, 400 interior furnishings, fixtures and equipment, 353 University Square, site development, 569 Intercollegiate Athletics, Division of, administration facility, 451 Peoria, Medicine, College of, 23 Urbana, Adams, Roger, Laboratory, 65 space upgrade, 525 Admissions and Records, Office of, Building, 570 * Bioacoustics Research Laboratory, 93 bookstore and office building, 147 amended, 94 increase, 322 Buell, Temple Hoyne, Hall, 113 Coordinated Science Laboratory, renovation, 179 Daniels Hall, emergency generators, 354 engineering quadrangle, 115 Environmental and Agricultural Sciences Building, 92 Goodwin-Green apartments, emergency generators, 354 Grainger Engineering Library Information Illini Union, life safety improvements, 402 patio enclosure, increase, 320 Illinois Street Residence Halls, emergency generators, 354 Loom is Laboratory, renovation, 179 Materials Research Facilities, renovation, 568 Materials Research Laboratory, renovation, 179 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory IIA, remodeling, 246 Natural History Building, 114 Noyes Laboratory, remodeling, 322 WILL Communications Building, 524 contracts, Capital Development Board, projects for Fiscal Year 1993, 284 projects for Fiscal Year 1994, 450 capital improvement projects, Urbana, 501 Architecture, School of (Urbana), differential tuition, established, 196 transfer of Small Homes Council/Building Research Council, 172 Architecture, Art, and Urban Planning, College of (Chicago campus), degrees, conferred, 288, 289, 2907574, 575, 576? nonsalaried clinical faculty, 53, 376 transfer of Urban Transportation Center, 446 Architecture and Art Building (Chicago campus), contract, fire safety auxiliary system, 428 Architecture and Art Laboratories (Chicago campus), energy conservation project, contract, engineering services, 323 Architrave, Ltd., contract, 114 increase, 426 Aref, H., appointment, 136 Aref, S. B., appointment, 264 Arjmandi, B. H., appointment, 305 Arlington Electrical Construction Co., Inc., contract, 62 Arnesen, E., appointment, 11 member of Institute for the Humanities, 486 Art and Design, Department of (Chicago campus), new display area, 499 Art and Design, School of (Urbana), differential tuition, established, 196 industrial design curriculum, revised, 307 Art graduate painting (Urbana), new facility, 424 Aryee-Bohannan, F. O., appointment, 370 581 Asbestos removal, contract, Chicago campus, Student Services Building, 318 increase, 426 cost-plus contract, Urbana, 277 withdrawal of bid, Urbana, 277 Ashley, M. V., appointment, 50 Asian cultural center (Urbana), 169 Asian studies (Urbana), major, redesignated and revised, 519 Assembly Hall, contract, scoreboards and marquee, amended, 317 Associated Health Professions, College of (Chicago campus), Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Medical Dietetics, redesignated, 495 dean, appointment, 265 degrees, conferred, 288, 289, 290, 574, 575, * 576 establishment of quasi-endowment from Ruth M. French Estate, 57 Master of Science in Nutrition and Medical Dietetics, redesignated, 495 merger of College of Kinesiology, 266 nonsalaried clinical faculty, 53,1)76 Associated Health Professions Building (Chicago campus), contract, air conditioning work, 321 electrical work, 280 general work, 280 heating work, 321 housekeeping management services, 19 plumbing work, 280 remodel Tor laboratories, 284 remodeling for fifth floor, architectural services, o69 engineering services, 569 ventilation work, 321 energy conservation project, contract, engineering services, 323 renovation of Family Practice Center, rejection of bids, 321 Aten, B. H., appointment, 344 Athletic Activities Committee, members, 168 report from Guenther, R. E., 3 Athletic Board, appointments, 302 Athletic conference, Chicago campus to join, 415 Athletic department personnel, associate director of athletics, special employment conditions, multi-year contract, 10 Athletic facilities (Chicago campus), use by community groups, 530 Athletics Committee, members, 443 Athletics Department (Chicago campus), establishment ofquasi-endowment from Hamilton Estate, 394 Atmospheric Sciences, Department of (Urbana), transferred to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 497 Austin, R. E., appointment, 344 Automatic Sprinkler Corporation of America, withdrawal of bid, 22 Auxiliary Facilities System Revenue Bonds, See Bonds Auxiliary Services Building (Chicago campus), contract, lighting fixture services, 279, 563 Aviation, Institute of, ajgreement with community colleges to offer airframe and powerplant certification program, 470 avionics curriculum, eliminated, 141 fees, flight training courses, increases, 266, 491 Avionics furbana), curriculum, eliminated, 141 Aycock, A., sculpture, 4 Azimi-Zonooz, A., appointment, 108 B&B Electric, Inc., contract, 21 B & O Railroad, sale of property to University, BLDD Architects, contract, 65, 246, 451, 502, 525 Baccalaureate programs (Urbana), general education requirements, revision, report, 329 Bacon, G. J., elected member of Executive Committee, 166 remarks concerning appearances before the board, 464 request for report on Laundry (Chicago campus), 415
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