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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

580 BOARD OF TRUSTEES AFSCME, cont'd unfair labor practice charge dropped, 104 American Mechanical, Inc., contract, 90 American National Bank and Trust Company, lease agreement, 528 American National Bank of Chicago, appointment as successor, escrow agent, 208 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), compliance modifications, Chicago campus, Chicago Circle Center, 500 Amick, D. J., undergraduate instructional award, 518 Amoco Foundation Awards, See Undergraduate instructional awards Amvets Health Facility Corporation (AMVETS), ground lease for teaching nursing home, 452 Anderson, C , appointment, 571 Anderson, D. B., member of advisory committee, Anderson, V. A., appointment, 53 Anderson, James H., Inc., contract, 278 Anderson Electric, Inc., contract, increase, 96 Animal Sciences, Department of (Urbana), advisory committee, appointments, 7, 300 Annex Office Building (Chicago), lease of space, Ansari, A., appointment, 467 Anthropology, Department of (Chicago campus), Doctor of Philosophy degree, established, 267 Applied Life Studies, College of (Urbana), curriculum in kinesiology, revised, 34 degree, name corrected, 572 degrees, conferred, 71, 152, 292, 360, 455, 577 teacher education minor in health education, discontinued, 404 Appointments, made by the president, 10, 50, 78, 108, 137, 170, 192, 231, 305, 369, 388, 418, 445, 466, 488, 515, 553 Appropriations, request for transfer among line items, 208 Aratex Company, possible litigation, 460 Arbeit, D., appointment, 80 , c Architectural services, contract, Capital Development Board project, recision of board action, 324 Capital Development Board projects, 324 Champaign, Airport, University, maintenance and storage facility, 503 Biaxial Shock Test "Machine Building, upgrade and offices, 354 Gerty Drive Building, 242 amendment, 116 Gregory Drive Residence Halls, emergency generators, 354 Peabody Drive Residence Halls, emergency generators, 354 Sixth Street steam tunnel, 245, 473 Taft Residence Hall, emergency generators, 354 Van Doren Residence Hall, emergency generators, 354 Chicago campus, Alumni Hall, south building remodeling, 499 Associated Health Professions Building, remodeling fifth floor, 569 Behavioral Sciences Building, signage system, 428 Chicago Circle Center, compliance with ADA accessibility standards, 500 chilled water system for west side, 221 Circle Court shopping center, 149 Clinical Sciences Building, remodeling for Gene Lab, 500 remodeling work, 524 Clinical Sciences North Building, hemodialysis unit, 114 increase, 426 Daley, Richard J., Library, concrete repair, 568 roof replacement, 568 Dentistry, College of, remodeling, 149 entry and building signage project, 428 Hospital, University, third floor addition for surgicenter, 402 Air conditioning work, cont'd Environmental and Agricultural Sciences Building, 92 Gregory Hall, remodeling classrooms, 471 Illini Union, warehouse, 252 Lincoln Avenue Residence Halls, dining rooms, 216 Materials Research Facilities, renovation, 567 Materials Science and Engineering Instructional Laboratories, 253 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory IIA, 399 painting facility, 424 cost-plus contract, 244, 566 Airport, University of Illinois-Willard, acquisition of snow removal equipment, amendment of Fiscal Year 1993 grant application, 348 airfield signage and computer-controlled access system, application for funds, 88 contract, maintenance and storage facility, architectural services, 503 engineering services, 503 security system, 379 Flightstar Corporation, agreement, amendment, 88 general aviation runway, application for funds, 88 hangar facilities, Nogle&r Black Mechanical, Inc., construction and lease, 222 land reimbursement and engineering fees, grant agreement, amendment, 173 passenger facility charge, application for authority to impose and use, 110 primary runway's edge lighting system, amendment of Fiscal Year i993 grant application, replacement fuel tanks, award of contract, 435 security fencing, application for funds, 348 security system, comptroller's authority to award contract, 321 withdrawal of bid, 379 storage and maintenance building, application for funds, 348 Aizenstein, R. I., appointment, 343 Al-Ubaidi, M. R., appointment, 137 Albers, W. H., member of advisory board, 264 Albin, M., member of advisory committee, 7 Albrecht, J. J., member of advisory committee, 7 Alekel, D. L., appointment, 370 Alington, C. B., appointment, 52 Allen, B. S., appointment, 137 Allen Residence Halls (Urbana), contract, egress paths, electrical work, 218 general work, 218 electrical service upgrade, electrical work, 216 general work, 21o Allerton Park, farm lands, easement, buried cable, 28 Allerton, Robert, Park and Conference Center, acquisition of property, 286 Allied Construction Services, Inc., contract, increase, 358 Alten, J., Jr., member of advisory committee, 7 Alumni Activities Committee, members, 168 Alumni Association, agreement with University, 59, 273, 349, 555 annual report to Board of Trustees, request for, 299 presentation to board concerning activities, 549 University representative, 443 Alumni Hall (Chicago campus), contract, south building remodeling, architectural services, 499 engineering services, 499 Alverson, A. J., appointment, 419 Ambulatory care facility (Chicago campus), contract, planning services, 523 American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), decertification election, 39, 104 filing of unfair labor charge against University, negotiations, 39, 98, 104, 127 possible discussion with trustees, 39 request to address board, not approved, 39 settlement of agreement, 414
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