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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1993] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 341 Head, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, College of Dentistry, Chicago (4) The chancellor at Chicago, after consultation with the dean of the College of Dentistry, has recommended the appointment of Leslie B. Heffez, presently associate professor of oral and maxillofacial surgery and associate head of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, as professor of oral and maxillofacial surgery on indefinite tenure and head of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, effective September 15, 1993, on a twelve-month service basis at an annual salary of $225,000 ($100,000 from Dental Service Plan, $105,000 from general revenue, and $20,000 as an administrative supplement from general revenue). Dr. Heffez has served as associate head since 1989 and succeeds Dr. Louis Mercuri who resigned to serve as chief of dentistry and oral and maxillofacial surgery at Michael Reese Hospital on a full-time basis. This recommendation is made with the advice of a search committee 1 and the endorsement of the faculty of the department. The vice president for academic affairs concurs. I recommend approval. On motion of Ms. Reese, this appointment was approved. Head, Department of Information and Decision Sciences, College of Business Administration, Chicago (5) The chancellor at Chicago, after consultation with the dean of the College of Business Administration, has recommended the appointment of Robert A. Abrams, presently professor of information and decision sciences, as head of the Department of Information and Decision Sciences, beginning September 10, 1993, on an academic year service basis at an annual salary of $97,911. (In addition, he will receive annually a salary supplement equal to one-ninth of his academic year salary for the administration of the department during the summer.) Dr. Abrams will continue to hold the rank of professor on indefinite tenure. He is the former head of the Department of Information and Decision Sciences; associate dean for academic affairs, and acting dean of the College of Business Administration. Dr. Abrams will succeed Dr. James K. Ho who will be returning to the faculty on September 1, 1993. This recommendation is made after consultation with the faculty of the department. The vice president for academic affairs concurs. I recommend approval. On motion of Ms. Reese, this appointment was approved. Head, Department of Management, College of Business Administration, Chicago (6) The chancellor at Chicago, after consultation with the dean of the College of Business Administration, has recommended the appointment of Gerald R. Salancik, presently the David M. and Barbara A. Kirr Professor of Organization, Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as head of the Department of Management, beginning September 11, 1993, 1 Nijole A. Remeikis, professor and head of endodontics, chair; Rhonna L. Cohen, associate professor, College of Dentistry; James M. Feld, assistant professor of anesthesiology, College of Medicine, and associate chief of service and clinical director of anesthesiology, University of Illinois Hospital; Alvaro A. Figueroa, assistant professor of pediatrics and orthodontist, pediatrics and surgery, and clinical associate professor of orthodontics, College of Dentistry; Sidney Peskin, professor of oral and maxillofacial surgery, College of Dentistry, and clinical professor of surgery, College of Medicine.
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