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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

304 BOARD OF TRUSTEES This recommendation is made with the advice of a search committee. 1 The vice president for academic affairs concurs. I recommend approval. [July 9 On motion of Ms. Reese, this appointment was approved. Director, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, Urbana (6) The chancellor at Urbana has recommended the appointment of Jiri Jonas, presently professor of chemistry and director, School of Chemical Sciences, as director of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, beginning August 21, 1993, on an academic year service basis at an annual salary of $135,000. Dr. Jonas will continue to hold the rank of professor on indefinite tenure on an academic year service basis. He will succeed Dr. Theodore L. Brown who is retiring. The nomination is made with the advice of a search committee. 2 The vice president for academic affairs concurs. I recommend approval. On motion of Ms. Reese, this appointment was approved. Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Chicago (7) The chancellor at Chicago, after consultation with the dean of the College of Engineering, has recommended the appointment of Selcuk I. Guceri, presently professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Delaware, Newark, as professor of mechanical engineering on indefinite tenure and head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, beginning August 21, 1993, on an academic year service basis at an annual salary of $100,000. Dr. Guceri will succeed G. E. O. Widera who resigned from the University on August 31, 1991. Dr. K. C. Gupta served as acting head from September 1, 1991, to August 31, 1992, and Dr. P. L. Uslenghi has served as acting head since September 1, 1992. This recommendation is made with the advice of a search committee 3 and after consultation with the faculty of the department. The vice president for academic affairs concurs. 1 Allen W. Anderson, dean of dentistry and professor of pediatric dentistry, chair; Ronald F. Albrecht, professor and head of anesthesiology; Boris M. Astrachan, professor and head of psychiatry; Elizabeth A. Burns, professor and head of family practice; William H. Chamberlin, chief of service and director of the Medical Residency Program, Department of Medicine, Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center; Suzanne E. England, interim associate dean for academic affairs, College of Associated Health Professions, and associate professor and head of health social work, College of Associated Health Professions; Jorge A. Girotti, assistant dean, College of Medicine at Chicago; Richard Hutchinson, professor and head of pharmacy practice; Mi Ja Kim, dean, College of Nursing, and professor of medical-surgical nursing; Loretta F. Lacey, associate professor of community health sciences; Melvin Lopata, professor of medicine; Irving F. Miller, professor and head of chemical engineering; Gerald S. Moss, dean and head, College of Medicine and professor of surgery; Maurice F. RaBb, professor of clinical ophthalmology 2 Larry R. Faulkner, dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and professor of chemistry, chair; Marie T. Banich, associate professor of psychology; Paul W. Bohn, professor of chemistry; William T. Greenough, professor of psychology; DanieiS. Hagberg, graduate student; Margarita Ham, assistant director, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology; Karl Tless, professor of electrical and computer engineering and research professor, Coordinated Science Laboratory; Amy R. Reilein, graduate student; Larry L. Smarr, director, National Center for Supercomputing Applications and professor of physics and of astronomy; Klaus J. Schulten, professor of physics. 3 Sohail Murad, professor of chemical engineering, chair; Joseph C. Chow, professor of mechanical engineering; Constantine M. Megariais, assistant professor of mechanical engineering; James Allen Rice, assistant professor of mechanical engineering; Kyuil Kim, associate professor of mechanical engineering.
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