Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

300 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 9 REGULAR AGENDA The board considered the following reports and recommendations from the president of the University. By consensus, the board agreed that one vote would be taken and considered the vote on each agenda item nos. 1 through 18 inclusive. The recommendations were individually discussed but acted upon at one time. (The record of board action appears at the end of each item.) Advisory Committees for the College of Agriculture, Urbana (1) The chancellor at Urbana, on the advice of the dean of the College of Agriculture, has recommended the following new appointments (indicated by an asterisk) and reappointments to the advisory committees for the College of Agriculture for threeyear terms beginning August 21, 1993 (unless otherwise specified): Agricultural Economics •JOSEPH L. HAMPTON, JR., Windsor • P A U L E. PETERSON, Chicago • D A V I D D. SHOCKEY, Freeport Agricultural Engineering • R O N N I E MORGAN, Louisville, Kentucky P. KAY W H U LOCK, Wheaton Agricultural Entomology •DEBORAH CAVANAUGH-GRANT, Rochester (two years) •ROGER N. CIESLIK, Chicago (one year) •ELDON GOULD, Bloomington (three years) •LAURENCE R. HALL, Wheeling (one year) •ROBERT HOLLOW AY, Sparta (two years) •A. A N N SORENSEN, DeKalb (three years) Agronomy •LARRY L. FISCHER, Perry •PHILIP T. NELSON, Seneca •ROBERT THURSTON, Pulaski Animal Sciences JOHN H U S T O N , Chicago CAROL KEISER, Carlinville •EDWARD L. MCMILLAN, St. Louis, Missouri • M A R K E. W H U ACRE, Decatur Cooperative Extension Service MARY B. BUSHNELL, Chicago JAMES CREEK, Watseka •JOHN GESELL, Gibson City ARTHUR GRIST, Edwardsville CAROLINE G. JACOBSEN, Wheaton •GWENDOLYN B. LEE, Country Club Hills •KATHRYN S T . LEDGER, Albion RICHARD WAGNER, Bloomington Food Science •GEORGE MUCK, Rockford