Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

104 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [November 13 chancellor. He indicated that Dr. Berdahl was consulted and agreed that an interim vice chancellor should be appointed. Report on Negotiations with American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Dr. Bazzani reported that the decertification election held October 28 at the Urbana campus upheld AFSCME as the bargaining agent for several classes of employees at the Urbana campus. Further, the unfair labor practice charge filed by AFSCME against the University, as reported at the meeting of the board on October 15, has been dropped. He indicated that efforts are underway by the University to look at the possibilities for a salary increase for this year as well as the next two years, as both sides want a three-year contract. EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNED1 There being no further business, the executive session adjourned at 9:15 a.m. The board reconvened in regular session at 9:20 a.m. for meetings of the Committee on the University Hospital, the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, and the Committee on Finance and Audit. The Board of Trustees reconvened in regular session at 11:50 a.m. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY President Ikenberry recognized and introduced observers from the campus senates and from the University Senates Conference.2 President's Report President Ikenberry, responding to a request from several board members at the October 1992 meeting of the board, outlined for the board the process being followed by the University in considering program 1 T h e Committee on the University Hospital received a report from Dr. Henri R. Manasse, Jr., interim vice chancellor for health services, Chicago campus, that included information on the development of the Mile Square Health Center and trie characteristics of the patient population at that facility. T h e board members were told that the budget for Mile Square would not be approved by the City of Chicago until some time in December. When that is completed the Executive Committee of the board will be asked to approve the budget for the board. Further comments by Dr. Manasse concerned the patient census at the hospital, which is now comparable to that of 1988; the status of the contract with Humana-Michael Reese for provision of educational programs for the health sciences colleges; and the status of the Operations Improvement project in the hospital. It was explained that there might be a list of items to be reduced in the hospital by the ena of December. T h e Committee on Buildings and Grounds considered several selections of architectural/ engineering services for projects on both campuses; a status report on the progress of the renovation of the Lecture Center and Forum area at Chicago; three design presentations for projects at Urbana; and a site approval recommendation for a sculpture at Willard Airport, Urbana. All items received recommendations approving them for referral to the board for a vote of all board members. T h e Committee on Finance and Audit considered three issues: the Quarterly Report of Investments; a suggested benchmark index for the University, recommended by Ennis, Knupp 8c Associates, Inc.; Report of the Comptroller; and Report of Auxiliary Facilities System. Copies of these reports are filed with the secretary. 2 University Senates Conference: Edward A. Lichter, professor of medicine and physician surgeon, College of Medicine at Chicago; Urbana-Champaign Senate Council: Gordon J. Baker, rofessor of veterinary clinical medicine, and chief of staff, Large Animal Clinic; Chicago campus enate: David Bardack, professor of biological sciences. f