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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

92 B O A R D OF TRUSTEES [October 15 Division II — Plumbing A 8c R Mechanical Contractors, Inc., Urbana Base Bid. Alt. P-2 . $177 500 1 611 $ 179 111 Division III — Heating, Piping, Refrigeration, and Temperature Control Nogle & Black Mechanical, Inc., Urbana Base Bid. Alt. H-2. Alt. H-3 . Alt. H-4. 173 11 3 10 197 433 932 475 199 037 Division IV — Ventilation and Air Distribution Hart 8c Schroeder Mechanical Contractors, Inc., Champaign Base Bid. Alt. V-2 . Alt. V-3 . Alt. V-4 . 215 22 12 2 500 405 894 408 253 207 Division V — Electrical Coleman Electrical Service, Inc., Base Bid Alt. E-2 Alt. E-3 , Alt. E-4 Division VI — Sprinkler The PIPCO Companies, Ltd., Base Bid Alt. FP-2 . . . . Alt. FP-3 . . . . Total 34 200 2 140 1 310 37 650 $1 948 297 It is further recommended that the contracts, other than the contract for general work, be assigned to the contractor for general work. It is also recommended that the project architect, Severns, Reid & Associates, Inc., Champaign, be employed for the architectural/engineering contract administrative services required during the construction phase of the Phase II project on a fixed-fee basis of $36,000; and to provide the required on-site observation on an hourly basis, estimated at $10,000, plus authorized reimbursements estimated to be $5,000. Funds for this project are being provided by a grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. A schedule of the bids received, the architect's hourly rate schedule, and a description of the alternates have been filed with the secretary of the board for record. The Phase II project consists of the renovation of the ground and first floors, . . 168 21 11 62 000 502 229 101 262 832
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