Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1920] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 75 AFTERNOON SESSION, SEPTEMBER 28, 1920 When the Board convened, after the recess, the same persons were present as during the morning session. The Board continued its consideration of matters submitted by the President of the University. SOCIAL. D I R E C T O R O F T H E W O M A N ' S R E S I D E N C E H A L L (15) A report that Miss Daisy L. Blaisdell, Instructor in Romance Languages, had been appointed Social Director of the Woman's Residence Hall for the coming year. This report was received for record. H O U S E M A N A G E R A T T H E W O M A N ' S R E S I D E N C E HAUL. (16) A further report that Miss Edna Fry, House Manager in the Woman's Residence Hall, resigned her position unexpectedly about August 1, and that Miss Beulah E. Gradwohl had been appointed to the place for the coming year at a salary of $1500 and maintenance. This report was received for record. LEAVE O F A B S E N C E F O R M R . W. H . B R O W N E (17) A recommendation from Dean Eycleshymer that Mr. W. H. Browne, Secretary of the College of Medicine, be granted leave of absence with full pay for four months beginning August 20,1920, to enable him to recover from illness. On motion of Mr. Abbott, this recommendation was approved. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR MISS M A R Y SCANLAN (18) A recommendation from Dean Day that Miss Mary Scanlan, Stenographer in theSchool of Pharmacy, be granted leave of absence with full pay for three months, beginning September 1,1920, to enable her to recover from the effects of an operation On motion of Mrs. Evans, this recommendation was approved. F E E S F O R N E W P R A C T I S E ORGAN (19) ^ A recommendation that the following fees be charged for the use of our new practise organ in the School of Music. One hour per day per semester $25.00 One hour per day per half semester 15.00 One hour per day per quarter semester 8.00 These fees were authorized. P E T T Y CASH F U N D IN AGRONOMY (20) A recommendation that the Comptroller be authorized to set up a petty cash fund of $1500 for the department of Agronomy. On motion of Mr. Trimble, this recommendation was approved. DECLARATION O F POLICY REGARDING CERTAIN KINDS O F RESEARCH PROBLEMS (21) A recommendation that the following declaration of policy be made: The University is frequently asked by corporations or individuals to undertake problems of research that have a direct bearing upon the business of the corporation or the individuals making the request. Such requests are sometimes accompanied with a statement that, since the corporation or individual in question is paying the expense of the investigation, it or he should have the exclusive benefit of the results. In order that there may be no misunderstanding about the attitude of the University oil such matters, the following declaration of policy is hereby adopted: