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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1922] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 171 sixty-two rods, thence North nineteen feet and eight inches; thence east on a straight line to the place of beginning, situated in the County of Jasper, in the State of Illinois, and acknowledged the same on the 10th day of March, 1922, which deed is in accordance with the previous action of this Board. BE IT RESOLVED, that the execution and acknowledgment of this deed is hereby ratified and the Secretary is directed to deliver the same to the County Board of Jasper County, Illinois. A P P O I N T M E N T O F P R O F E S S O R C. C. W I L L I A M S (2) A recommendation that Mr. Clement Clarence Williams be appointed Professor of Civil Engineering and Head of the Department, at a salary of #5500 a year, beginning September 1, 1922. On motion of Mr. Hoit, this appointment was made. RESIGNATION OF DR. E U G E N E DAVENPORT The resignation of Dean Eugene Davenport, with the following statement: In recommending the acceptance of this resignation it is fitting that I should say that, in my opinion, we lose in the retirement of Dr. Davenport one of the great personalities of the University. He has made the College of Agriculture in the University by his excellent judgment in selecting his colleagues on the faculty of that College and by his far-sighted vision of the agricultural needs and policy of the State and the University. The high regard in which he is held by all of us personally deepens the regret which we feel at losing him from his educational and scientific work. I know that I express the universal feeling of his colleagues when I say that his retirement is to all of us a personal as well as an educational and administrative loss, and that his colleagues all wish him many happy years in his retirement from his present work. (3) On motion of Mr. Hoit, this resignation was accepted with regret. RESIGNATION OF D E A N C. R. R I C H A R D S (4) The resignation of Dean C. R. Richards of the College of Engineering, who has been elected to the presidency of Lehigh University. Dean Richards has been with us eleven years, coming as head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He was the outstanding figure when it became necessary to select a successor to Dean Goss. The wisdom shown in his appointment has been confirmed by the success and distinction of hjs career as Dean. He has strengthened the College of Engineering with the students, with the faculty, and with the public. He has shown a fine spirit of helpfulness, initiative, and energy. Our loss is great, but Lehigh's gain is great, too, and our consolation must be found in the fact that our distinguished colleague is simply transferring himself to another part of the great field of engineering education in which we all wish him an even larger and more brilliant success than he has attained with us. On motion of Mrs. Evans, this resignation was accepted with regret. SCHOLARSHIP REQUIREMENT FOR ADMISSION OF NON-ILLINOIS S T U D E N T S (5) A recommendation that the phraseology of the action of the Board in the February Minutes, Page 153, Paragraph 16, be changed to read as follows: On and after September 1, 1922, all applicants for admission to the University, in any of its colleges or schools, who are not legal residents of Illinois shall be required to present with their applications for admission, except as special students or students in the Graduate School, satisfactory evidence that they maintained at the school or college from which they would enter the University of Illinois a Scholastic average at least ten per cent above the passing grade of such school or college. In case of records which are not kept in numerical grades but in literal
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