Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1921] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 7 To meet this situation the Registrar requests and I recommend: 1. That he be authorized to employ competent persons to prepare questions and read papers in connection with these examinations. It should be understood that he will ordinarily employ persons connected with the faculty to do this work. 2. That a scale of pay for preparing questions and reading examination books be established at the rate of not more than $2.00 per hour for the former class of work and of not more than $1.00 per hour for the latter class of work, the exact rate to be fixed by the President of the University. 3. That members of the faculty who may be employed to assist in this work shall be selected by the Registrar from a list submitted by him in advance and approved by the President of the University. 4. That the receipts from the examinations held during the last week in June, amounting to $1350, be set aside as a special fund to meet the expenses of these examinations. 5. That a separate account be established to which all fees from these examinations shall be charged and on which vouchers properly approved shall be drawn for the payment of all expenses of these examinations. On motion of Mr. Herbert, these recommendations were adopted, by the following vote: Aye: Mr. Abbott, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Grigsby, Mr. Herbert, Mr. Hoit; no, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Busey, Mr. Noble, Mr. Small, Mr. Trimble. A P P O I N T M E N T O F PROFESSOR H. A. R U E H E (11) A recommendation that Dr. Harrison A. Ruehe be appointed Professor of Dairy Manufactures and head of the department of dairy husbandry, at a salary of $5000 a year, beginning July 1, 1921. On motion of Mrs. Evans, this appointment was authorized. LEAVE OF A B S E N C E FOR PROFESSOR L I T M A N (12) A recommendation that Professor Simon Litman of the Department of Economics be given sabbatical leave of absence on one-half pay for one year beginning September 1, 1921. On motion of Mr. Hoit, this recommendation was approved. LEAVE O F ABSENCE FOR PROFESSOR G R I N D L E Y (13) A recommendation that leave of absence be granted Professor H. S. Grindley on one-half salary, for one year, beginning September 1, 1921, with permission to carry on his research at the University altho absence is usually required on Sabbatical leave. On motion of Mrs. Evans this recommendation was approved. LABORATORY F E E IN E N G I N E E R I N G DRAWING (14) I recommend approval of a recommendation from the Council of Administration that a laboratory fee of $1.50 a semester be charged in a newly established course known as G. E. D . 4. On motion, oi Mr. Ho\t this fee was approved. LABORATORY F E E , C H E M I S T R Y 1 1 1 (15) I recommend approval of a recommendation by the Council of Administration recommending that in Chemistry 111, where the laboratory fee is $2.50 a semester hour, a maximum fee of $12.50 be fixed. This fee was approved.