UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 [PAGE 285]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922
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Richmond, T . E . , appointment, 11 salary, 85 Ridell, M . R., salary, 84 Riley, E . H., appointment, 262 Rinaker, Clarissa, salary, 81 Ripley, L. B., degree, 253 Ritsch, H . P . , degree, 243 Rittenhouse, D . A., degree, 245 Ritter, Clarissa, appointment, 25 Roach, E. J., degree, 243 Robbins, U. E., appointment, 101 Roberts, D . M., appointment, 175 degree, 240 Roberts, Elmer, appointment, 12 salary, 85 Roberts, N . , salary, 158 Roberts, N . M., appointment, 101 Roberts, Velma I., appointment, 14 Roberts, W. R., gift, 156 Robertson, Eleanor M., appointment, 130 Robertson, Ina C , degree, 249 Robertson, Laura P., degree, 240 Robertson, W . S., appointment, 101 Robertson, R. C , appointment, 207 commission, 259 degree, 240 Robinson, A. I., appointment, 89 Robinson, C. L., appointment, 101 Robinson, L. W., degree, 245 ^ Robinson, W . J., degree, 258 Robison, Marian J., scholarship, 227 Rockabrand, C. C , degree, 240 Rockey, C. G., degree, 258 Rodebush, W. H., appointment, 262 Rodewald, C. W., appointment, 130 Rodgers, A. M., appointment, 161 Rodkey, F . S., degree, 253 Roeseler, W. T.; degree, 258 Rogers, C. C , appointment, 91 ' Rogers, Delia, salary, 87, 158 Rogers, J. P., appointment, 130, 208 Rogers, W. T., appointment, 89 Rohe, W. H., appointment, 130 commission, 259 degree, 243 Rohrlack, O. H., appointment, 90 Rolfe, Deete, appointment, 208 Romance Languages, appropriation, 187 summer session salaries, 215 Romig, J. A., degree, 243 Romig, L. D., appointment, 25 Romyn, A. L., appointment, 130 Root, Lucie E., appointment, 30 Rose; Lena B., degree, 240 Rosebraugh, L. W., degree, 243 Rosecrans, C. Z., appointment, 101, 208 degree, 252 Rosenberg, M . J., certificate in medicine, 257 Rosenblum, P., appointment, 89 Rosenblum, Rebecca, appointment, 208 Rosenquist, C. M., degree, 247 Rosenthal, P . L., appointment, 101 Ross, H . A., appointment, 13 Ross, K. D., C. P . A., 232 Rost, T . A., certificate in medicine, 257 Roth, W . J., appointment, 13 Rothengas, F . J., C. P . A., 232 Rotramel, E . R., degree, 242 Roy, Celia A., degree, 240 Roy, Waneta M., degree, 240 Rubin, Irwin, certificate in medicine, 257 Ruckman, Kathleen M., degree, 240 Ruckmick, C. A., leave of absence, 168 Rudnick, D . F., certificate in medicine, 257 Ruehe, H . A., appointment, 13 leave of absence, 4 Ruhle, G. F . C , appointment, 262 degree, 242 honors, 254 Rummel, Evelyn A., degree, 240

Rush, P . W., appointment, l certificate in medicine, 257 Rusk, H . P., appointment, 12 salary, 85 Russell, C. C , appointment, 101, 175 degree, 188 Russell, Evelyn H . , degree, 240 Russell, F . A., salary, 82 Russell, R u t h E., degree, 240 R u t h , W. A., appointment, 14 salary, 85 Rutherford, Elizabeth J., appointment, 262 Rutherford, Harriet, degree, 240 Rutledge, J. H . , appointment, 130 Rutlin, Lillian I., appointment, 30 Ryan, E. J., degree, 258 Ryan, H., salary, 158 Ryan, H . R., degree, 115 Ryan, J. P., appointment, 213 Ryerson, E . L., campus plans, 74 St. Elizabeth's and Chicago Policlinic Hospitals, contracts with, 168 St. Germain, A. J., appointment, 131, 208 Sabin, A. R., degree, 247 Sadler, H . F., degree, 243 Saelhof, C. E., appointment, 131 certificate in medicine, 257 degree, 93 Saffell, Gladys, appointment, 3 Sagendorph, A. L., degree, 245 Sahiid, W. H., degree, 240 Saito, Nobukazi, degree, 115 Saltiel, H . C , degree, 258 Saltiel, T . P . , degree, 256 Salzenstein, L. C , degree, 243 Sample, L. E., degree, 258 Samuel, Dorothea, degree, 247 Sanders, J. A., degree, 242 Sandvold, C. E., degree, 188 Sankee, R u t h E., degree, 248 Sanmann, F . P., degree, 247 honors, 255 Santo, H . A., fellowship, 227 Sarven, J. D., degree, 240 Satterfield, S. C , degree, 250 Saunders, Alva G., salary, 82 Saunders, H . P., appointment, 131 Savage, T . E., leave of absence, 74 leave extended, 204 Sawyer, I. C , degree, 242 Sawyer, P . T., degree, 247 Scanlan, Mary, leave of absence, 75 Schad, Olivia V., degree, 240 . Schaffer, O. G., appointment, 161 Schafheitlin, A., appointment, 192 Schapiro, Koppel, appointment, 262 Schecter, William, degree, 256 Scheib, D . D., degree, 243 Scheineman, A. J., degree, 189 Schenck, R. E., degree, 244 honors, 254 Schierbaum, Edna H., degree, 248 Schierbaum, Ethel H., degree, 240 Schlarman, Celia E., appointment, 121 Schlatter, C. F., appointment, 30, 213 Schleck, H . J., salary, 88 Schlesinger, D., appointment, 101 degree, 242 honors, 254 Schmid, H . C , degree, 258 Schmidt, C. C , appointment, 101, 215 degree, 250 Schmidt, E. C , appointment, 91 Schmidt, F . D., appointment, 192 Schmoeller, A. W., degree, 243 Schneider, R. F., appointment, 175 degree, 252 fellowship, 226 Schock, W . V., degree, 247 Schoenberg. A. J., appointment, 90