UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 [PAGE 286]

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Scholarships, 226 and fellowships, provision in budget for, 167 Scholl, C. A., appointment, 12, 30 Scholz, Jessie P., degree, 240 Schott, J. T., degree, 245 Schrader, D. O., degree, 114 Schreiber, Nathan, degree, 250 Schroeder, R. H., certificate in medicine, 257 Schroeder, R. W., appointment, 101 Schuettner, A. J., appointment, 214 Schuhmann, E. W., appointment, 101 Schulte, Norma-Claire, degree, 258 Schultz, C. J., degree, 243 Schultz, L., salary, 88 Schulz, W. F., salary, 84 Schutt, W. W., degree, 247 Schwab, F„ salary, 88 Schwagmeyer, E. H., C. P. A. certificate, 112 Schwalbe, Isabella S.f degree, 240 Schwalbe, W. B., appointment, 30 Schwartz, F. P., degree, 244 Schwartz, G. F., salary, 85 Schwarze, H. R., appointment, 12 Science, General, for admission, 108 laboratory, for entrance, 189 Sconce, Frances E., degree, 240 Sconce, H. J., degree, 254 Scott, S. G., degree, 92 Scranton, L. L., appointment, 131 Schrieker, E. H., degree, 114 Sears, O. H., appointment, 101 Secretary's signature, delegation of, 197 Securities and investments, 2 Seehausen, Paul, degree, 115 Seely, F. B., appointment, 30 salary, 84 Segur, J. B., degree, 93 Seibert, S. S., degree, 258 Seiler, E. Frances, fellowship, 227 Senear, F. E., appointment, 92 Sergeant, Gertrude A., appointment, 131 Sewing Machine for Print Shop, 21 Seybolt, R. F., appointment, 213 Seymour, Bliss A., degree, 240 prize, 255 Shaddle, L. N., degree, 247 Shapiro, I. J., certificate in medicine, 257 Sharp, Katherine L., memorial to, 116 ' Shaw, Hazel Y„ salary, 86 Shaw, R. I., appointment, 12, 30 Shelford, V. E., appointment, 102 Shelton, G. R., appointment, 30 Shepherd, Jean C , degree, 251 Sheppard, P. R., degree, 92 Sherlaw, F. M., degree, 247 scholarship, 226 Sherman, S. P., salary, 80 Shirley, Blanche G., degree, 240 Shively, Margaret, degree, 240 Sholes, C. G., appointment, 131 Shonkwiler, R. P., degree, 240 Short, L. M., fellowship, 227 Shriro, Joseph, appointment, 131, 208 degree, 251 Shuman, F. H., degree, 247 Sickles, T. D., degree, 244 Sie, H. H., degree, 240 Siecke, K. H., degree, 245 honors, 254 Siegrist, L. A., degree, 242 Siepert, A. F., appointment, 102 Siequist, L. A., appointment, 131 Signature of President Carr, delegation of, 21 Signor, Nelle M., salary, 86 Simms, Ellvine I., degree, 248 Simons, J., appointment, 192, 208 Simpson, L. P., degree, 114 Sims, Lillie L., degree, 249 Sims, M., appointment, 102, 121 Sinderson, S. W., C. P. A. certificate, 112 S inger, H. D., appointment, 90

Singh, Charnjit, degree, 252 Skoglund, Herbert, appointment, 131 degree, 258 Slatten, Margaret E., degree, 248 honors, 255 Small, Dee, commission, 259 degree, 247 Small, Governor, vote of thanks to, 191 Small, H. D., appointment, 102 Small, Helen, appointment, 131 Small, J. C , appointment, 89 Smejkal, H. J., appointment, 91 Smejkal, Richard, appointment, 131 Smith, B. H., degree, 114 Smith, B. M., degree, 189 Smith, C. E., degree, 245 honors, 254 Smith, C. R., appointment, 131, 208 Smith, D. W., degree, 240 Smith, Emily E., degree, 248 Smith, E. R., appointment, 30 Smith farm, sale, 16 Smith, Florence E., appointment, 10 Smith, H. J., appointment, 91 Smith, H. N., C. P. A. certificate, 112 Smith, lone M., appointment, 3 degree, 240 Smith, T. D., degree, 247 Smith, J. E., salary, 83 Smith, K. O., appointment, 262 Smith-Lever Extension, budget, 120 Smith, Laura E., degree, 240 " Smith, L. H.j appointment, 11, 30~ compensation, 15 Smith, L. I., appointment, 262 Smith, Lorenz L., appointment, 229 Smith, Marian K., degree, 248 Smith, M. L., degree, 92 salary, 158 Smith, O. F., degree, 247 Smith, R. S., appointment, 11, 30 Smith, T. H., degree, 240 Smith, W. H., appointment, 12 Smithers, A. F.., appointment, 102 Smithies, F., appointment, 89 Snapp, R. R., appointment, 12 degree, 251 salary, 85 Snider, H. J., degree, 250 Snider, W. V., appointment, 102 salary, 82 Snively, J. R. Jr., degree, 240 Snodgrass, J. M., salary, 84 Snook, H. G., degree, 245 Snow, B. NM degree, 92 Snow, C. M., promotion, 79 salary. 88 Snyder, H. E., C. P. A. certificate, 112 Snyder, H. J., appointment, 11 Snyder, H. W., degree, 245 Snyder, Mabel R., degree, 244 Snyder, W. A., degree, 244 Sociology, summer session salaries, 152 Sodaro, J. C. Jr., degree, 256 , ^ Soloway, H. M., certificate in medicine, 257 Sontag, R. J., degree, 250 Sorenson, A. W., degree, 258 Soto, R. A., appointment, 175, 215 Soule, J. E., appointment, 131 Souza, P. C , degree, 247 Sowers, Mildred L., degree, 240 Spagna, F. A., degree, 258 Sparks, K. E., appointment, 175 degree, 251 Sparks, Marian E., salary, 86 Spector, H. I., certificate in medicine, 257 Spencer, V. E., appointment, 11 salary, 85 Spiesman, I. G., certificate in medicine, 257' Spiker, Fern M., degree, 240 Spinner, L. C , degree, 258