UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 [PAGE 284]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922
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Physics, summer session salaries, 215 i Physiology, appropriation, 187 Pickels, H . W., salary, 83 Pickens, Louise M., degree, 249 Pickering, Ernest, appointment, 262 fellowship, 255 Pickett, B . S., appointment, 14 Pieper, John, appointment, 11 salary, 85 Pierce, M . J., degree, 188 Pierce,, N . H., appointment, 91 Pietrowicz, S. R., appointment, 89 Piit, G. E., degree, 256 Pilot, Isador, appointment, 30 Pinkerton, R. E., certificate in medicine, 257 Pinslnshaum, A., appointment, 30 Pletcher, Louise M., degree, 239 Plice, S. G., certificate in medicine, 257 Plummer,, C. K., degree, 258 Plym fellows* candidate for degree, 156 Plym, L. M . , degree, 245 Political Science, summer session salaries, 215 Poison, J. A., appointment, 175 Pomeroy, J. N . , on committee on Accountancy, 116 leave of absence, 166 on law College Commission, 107 salary, 85 Pontius, G. V., appointment, 207 Poole, F . M., degree, 243 Pope, L. C , appointment, 100 Porter, C. L., appointment, 212 degree, 249 Porter, F . M., appointment, 100 Porter, L., appointment, 100 Porter, P . K., appointment, 100 degree, 187 Portrait of Isabel Bevier, presented, 202 Post, G. W., appointment, 91 Postlewait, H . L., appointment, 100, 228 Potter, Margaret L., degree, 250 Potter, P . H., degree, l b Poulson, C. A., appointor nt, 130 Poulson, C. F., appointment, 207 Powers, E d n a A., degree, 240 Practise organ, fees, 75 P r a t t , R. A., appointment, 101 salary, 190 Preble, Dorothy K., degree, 240 Preble, R. C , degree, 243 Prehn, Delos, appointment, 228 Prehn, D . C , degree, 258 Prescott, J. S., degree, 239 medal, 255 Prescott, M . U., appointment, 130 President's emergency fund, 79 President's house, improvements, 17 Presidents, mosaic portraits of, 18 Presient's officed, appropriation, 233 President's signature, delegation of, 197 Price, A. L., degree, 246 Price, F . E M appointment, 161 Price, H . G., degree, 246 Price, M . O., salary, 86 Prichard, Louise G., degree, 240 Pringle, H . S., degree, 188 Print shop, purchase of sewing machine, 21 Prizes, list of, 255 Probation rule, amendment, 21 Procise, M a y W., appointment, 14 Propst, Alice, appointment, 13 Provost, appointed, 72 Prucha, M . J., appointment, 13, 30 Przypyszny, C. F., certificate in medicine, 257 Psychology, summer session salaries, 215 Public Welfare, contracts for building, 157 Publications, appropriation for, 117 Publicity, appropriation, 79 statement of results of, 225 Pugh, Cloyd, degree, 246 Pulver, E . L., degree, 247

Pumphrey, Elva A., appointment, 228 P u t n a m , W . J., appointment, 214 salary, 84 P u t n a m , W . L., appointment, 130 Quick, Nan, appoinment, 26, 101 salary, 158 Quigley, W . J., appointment, 89 Quine Library, gifts to, 117 Quinn, H . E., appointment, 192 Rabenan, John, degree, 243 Radebaugh, G. A., salary, 83 Raginsky, O. B., certificate inmedicine, 257 Rahn, C , salary, 82 Raines, L. C , degree, 114 Raines, M . V., degree, 239 honors, 254 prize, 255 scholarship, 227 Rainey, Frances L., degree, 240 Randall, J. G., appointment, 101 Randolph, J. W., appointment, 130 Rankin, F . H., appointment, 11 Raphaelson, S., appointment, 101 Rasmussen, H . E., appointment, 130 degree, 188 honors, 254 Rasmussen, J. C , degree, 247 Ratcliffe, S. C , appointment, 30, 215 R a t h , H . H . , degree, 243 # Rauchenstein, Emil, appointment, 13 Rawlings, H . F., appointment, 130 R a y , F . W., degree, 244 medal, 255 Raymaker, Myrtle A., scholarship, 227 Raymond, E . E., degree, 244 Rayner, W . H., salary, 83 Read, C. F . , appointment, 90 Reception fund, 79 Reed, L. B., appointment, 130 degree, 243 Reed, Wilma V., degree, 248 Reedy, J. H., appointment, 212 salary, 80 Rees, Olive, degree, 241 Reese, N . W., degree, 93 Reeves, D . C , degree, 256 Registrar, appropriation, 187 Registrar's Office, revised budget, 3 Registrar's report of fees, 169 Registration, November, 1920, 105 report, 72 Rehm, Henry, appointment, 130 Rehnquist, A. C , degree, 245 Reichert, J., appointment, 207 Reid, D . L., appointment, 212 Reid, E. A., salary, 83 Reid, J. A., appointment, 262 Reinsch, B. P., degree, 244 Research problems, declaration of policy, 75 Retiring allowances, 232 ^ Rettig, F . A., certificate in medicine, 257 Reuther, T . F., degree, 256 Rew, C. L., appointment, 229 Reyer, W. C , C. P . A., 232 Rhoades, M., appointment, 101 Rhoads, Hazel, appointment, 15, 175 Rhoads, Merle, appointment, 25 salary, 158 Rhode, C. S., appointment, 13, 30 Rhodes, Elsie F., degree, 248 Rhodes, Julins, certificate in medicine, 157 Rhue, Lena C , appointment, 130 Rice, J. B., appointment, 12 Rice, N . L., appointment, 192 degree, 247 Richards, C. R., salary, 79 Richardson, Edith, I., degree, 240 Richart, F . A., salary, 84 Richmond, F . R., certificate in medicine, 257