Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
232 BOARD OF TRUSTEES PLAN FOR RETIRING ALLOWANCES [June 13 Mr. Abbott gave notice of his intention to bring up at an early meeting the matter of providing some definite method of retimement of professors and officers and of mutual life and disability insurance for all members of the staff. MATTERS SUBMITTED BY PRESIDENT KINLEY The Board considered the following matters submitted by the President of the University. INVESTMENT OF CARR FELLOWSHIP FUND (1) A report, for record, that the President of the Board and the Treasurer, acting under the authority of the Board action of July 26, 1920 (page 2), have approved a proposal from Mr. Robert F. Carr to take up the City of Minneapolis Bonds in which the Carr Fellowship Fund of $10,000 is now invested, and invest it in bonds of the Argentine Republic. By adding $87.50 to his gift, Mr. Carr has been able to buy thirty of the Argentine £100 bonds, due March 1, 1945, bearing interest at five per cent, payable semi-annually in March and September. These yield an income of $700 for the fellowship and, at maturity, will yield a fund of $13,622. The bonds have been deposited with the Treasurer. This report was received for record. A U T H O R I T Y TO CONFER DEGREES (2) A request for authority to confer degrees at the Commencement Exercises on June 15 and at the end of the Summer Session on candidates duly recommended by the Senate. This a u t h o r i t y w a s g r a n t e d . C. P. A. CERTIFICATES GRANTED (3) A report that the following candidates who were successful in the November Examinations had been granted the certificate of Certified Public Accountant. Charles Sidney James Banks Thomas Frederick Carey Edward Augustus Kracke John Peter Godfrey Grip Lada Marek Henry Gaufin Peterson James Thomas O'Connor Frank J. Rothengas William Cleveland Reyer David Henry Wietzenfield Kenneth Dwight Ross This report was received for record. RESIGNATION OF PROFESSOR C. A. ELLIS (4) A report of his action accepting the resignation of Professor C. A. Ellis, effective September 1, 1921. This r e p o r t w a s received for record. RETIREMENT OF PROFESSOR KINGSLEY (5) A recommendation that Dr. J. Sterling Kingsley, Professor of Zoology, be given leave of absence on half pay for one year beginning September 1, 1921, with permission to resign at the close of that year; and that when he resigns he be retained on the roll of the University as Professor Emeritus. H ^i|§J§j in. (6) On motion of Mr. Hoit, this recommendation was concurred RESIGNATION OF DIRECTOR J. L. ERB The resignation of Mr. J. L. Erb, Director of the School of Music