Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1921] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 225 The preliminary cost figures given by Mr. Holabird for the one-story building were less than those gotten last fall for the original two story building. It seemed from these figures that it would be possible to build the stables as well, within the prescribed budget appropriation. The commission concurred in the selection of the last one-story plan. Mr. Ryerson and Mr. Allerton, unable to be present, sent their votes by Mrs. Blake for this plan also. The site for the stadium was also discussed and the commission asked the architects to make studies showing a location for the stadium on the north and south axis through the Auditorium, south of the cemetery. Afternoon meeting: Mrs. Busey was absent but the Senate Library Committee, Dean Daniels, Professor McKenzie, Professor Kingsley, Professor Burlison, Professor Lybyer, Professor Carman, and Director Windsor met with the Commission. Dean Daniels read the report of their committee and after a discussion and an exposition on the whole campus plan by Mr. Holabird, the Commission adopted the following recommendation: After a restudy of possible sites for the location of the new library building the Committee concludes that the best site is in the vicinity of the one formerly selected by the Board for this building at the intersection of the axis (produced) of the Armory and Wright Street. Respectfully submitted, MARGARET DAY BLAKE Chairman^ Campus Plan Commission On motion of Mrs. Blake, this report was adopted. HORTICULTURE BUILDING Mr. Holabird submitted plans for the Horticulture Building which he estimated could be constructed for $245,000 (exclusive of the stable). On motion of Mr. Noble, these plans were approved, and the Campus Plan Commission was requested to recommend to the Executive Committee suitable plans for a stable, and the architects were instructed to secure bids for the Horticulture Building and the stable separately and jointly. R E P O R T O N PUBLICITY President Kinley presented a statement on the results of the work to secure publicity. I N C R E A S E D F E E S FOR NON-STATE S T U D E N T S President Kiriley recommended that the University adopt the policy of exacting a larger incidental or tuition fee for students not residents of Illinois than is required from Illinois students, and that the President of the University be directed to make recommendations at the next meeting of the Board with respect to the amount of such increase. Mrs. Blake moved that this recommendation be adopted. Mr. Noble moved as a substitute that the consideration of this matter be made a special order of business for the next meeting of the Board, and that the President of the University be directed to present detailed information concerning this matter at the next meeting. The substitute motion prevailed.