Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
IM BOARD OF TRUSTEES [November 19, *.. 200 200 100 ... W0 -?3200 Stenographic assistance, 10 mondis, Office of Dean Bafccock. Assistants in Farm Mechanics Other assistants, coaches, etc. Miscellaneous supplies and miscellaneous expenses. Totals... Balance for contingencies and to meet probable 4efc'ck in Vocational training budget for Summer Session 1920-21 $ 400 $3600 On motion of Mr. Herbert, this budget was approved, by the following vote: Aye, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. Busey, Mr. Carr, Mrs. Evans, Mr. Herbert, Mr. Hoit; no, none; absent, Mr. Abbott, Mr. Blair, Mr. Lowden, Mr. Trimble, Mr. Ward. U P P E R C L A S S M E N E X C U S E D FROM PHYSICAL E D U C A T I O N (7) A recommendation from Council of Administration that our present ^graduation requirements be amended by the addition of a provision 'that men and woman students transferring to the University with junior or senior standing may be relieved from the requirement in Physical Education. This recommendation was approved. IS^omftSAtSES ON MEDICAL; W*&*8fftr* (8) A statement calling attention to the fact that certain mortgages on the buildings occupied by die College ^of Medicine fail due next June. No action was taken in this matter. LABORATORY F E E S (9) A recommendation from the Council of Administration that the following laboratory fees be established, effective February 7, 1921: Botany 4d $ 1.00 Botany 24 1/00 Chemistry 104e 15.00 lAame Economics la 2/00 Home Economics 4 8.00 (fee increased from $5.00 to $8 ;00) Home Economics 6a. 2.-0O Geology la 1:00 Horticulture 29a. >.,, 2.00 Mining Engineering 61 * IS These fees were approved. G E N E R A L SClEKtC£ FOR A D M I S S I O N (10) A recconimendatjon • from the University Senatetthfsftthe subject = ©f ^general scfenoe be included in List < of subjects acceptable for entrance credit for ©ne-half B to one unit, subject to the following conditions for accrediting: That the subject matter taught be of a character such as to enable the pupils to interpret their obvious environment, both natural and mechanical, in terms *of the fundamental principles of science involved; That the work ^necessary to earn a full unit of credit be conducted as a laboratory science with double petiods for unprepared work;