Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

748 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June i, the sity was authorized to proceed with the construction of hospital. PLANS FOR RECONSTRUCTION (17) Plans of a University Hospital to be now owned by the University, immediately south macy buildings on South Wood Street. The full if possible, at the next Board meeting. HOSPITAL located on the property of the School of Phardetails will be presented, No action was taken on this matter. REGULATIONS, ISOLATION HOSPITAL (18) A set of regulations for the administration of the University Emergency Hospital. These regulations have been carefully prepared by a committee consisting of the University Health Officer, Doctor J. H o w a r d Beard, and the Dean of Men, Professor Thomas A. Clark. They have been submitted to the University Council of Administration and approved by it. I recommend that they be approved by the Board. On motion of Mr. . Cany the regulations for the administra• tion of the Hospital were approved. CONTRACT FOR MILITARY UNIFORMS (19) Certain recommendations from the Comptroller of the University concerning military uniforms for the year 1918-19. May 9, 1918 President Edmund J. James, University of Illinois M Y DEAR PRESIDENT J A M E S : : I beg to submit herewith recommendations concerning the contracts for Military Uniforms for the year 1918-19. I secured bids from all concerns who would submit proposals, and had all samples of cloth tested by the textile division of the Household Science Department and have canvassed the matter with Professor White and Major, McCaskey. My recommendations are concurred in by them and as shown in detail on the inclosed schedule, are scheduled as follows: 1. That contracts be executed with Jacob Reed & Sons of Philadelphia for uniforms for the Cadet Regiment, at a price of $28.45, and for uniforms for the Military Band, $28.25. 2. That a contract be made with J. M. Kaufman & Company of Champaign for the shirt and accessories as per inclosed schedule at a total cost of $7.91. 3. That I be authorized to collect from all men students entering the University next fall the sum of $36.36 to cover the cost of their Military Uniforms. The uniform furnished during the year 1917-18 including accessories cost a total of $26.63 per student. T h e uniform for the Military Band for that year cost $16.95. It has been impossible for us to secure satisfactory bids at prices at all corresponding to these. The materials which have been selected are all wool, of fast color, made by reliable mills, and are of such