Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
666 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 16, REGISTRATION OF URBANA-CHAMPAIGN TEACHERS IN T H E GRADUATE SCHOOL (13) A recommendation from the University Senate that certain provisions applying to members of the University staff be extended to teachers in the high schools of Champaign and Urbana. January 8, 1918 Dr. Edmund J. James, President DEAR MR. PRESIDENT : The University Senate at a special meeting held7on Monday, January 7, 1918, voted to recommend to the Board of Trustees that the University extend to the teachers in the high schools of Champaign and Urbana the provision as to residence toward the master's degree now in force with reference to members of the University staff. This action was taken on recommendation of the Executive Faculty of the Graduate School. The provision in question is to the effect that members of the staff who have spent half of their time in study for the master's degree throughout a year at some other institution may do the remainder of the work required for the degree in half time during one year in residence here. Sincerely yours, C. M. MCCONN Clerk of the Senate On motion of Mr. Blair, this recommendation was approved. PORTRAIT OF PRESIDENT JAMES At this point, President Abbott asked the Board to consider the matter of obtaining a portrait of President James. On motion of Mr. Trimble, President Abbott and Mr. Carr were appointed a special committee on this matter, with power to act. The Board resumed the consideration of matters submitted by the President of the University. DEGREE FOR MR. JULIUS BROWN (14) A recommendation from the University Senate that the degree of Bachelor of Science in Railway Civil Engineering be conferred on Mr. Julius Brown. January 8, 1918 Dr. Edmund / . James, President DEAR MR. PRESIDENT : The University Senate at a special meeting held on January 7, 1918, voted to recommend that the degree of Bachelor of Science in Railway Civil Engineering be conferred on Mr. Julius Brown under the regulation proposed by the Senate at its meeting of December 17 with reference to the graduation of seniors who withdraw for military service.