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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1917] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 55i- Experiment Station and the Russian Mission of Ways of Communication should be entered into. In consultation with Professor Schmidt I have drawn up a form of agreement, a copy of which I am enclosing. I shall be glad if you will look over this and give me your opinion of the acceptability of this agreement, so that I may transmit a copy to Count Shulenburg. The Russian Mission is anxious to have the matter settled at the earliest possible date in order that they may form plans for the changes necessary in the construction of the locomotive to adapt it for test on our testing plant. As I understand it, the Board of Trustees approved a general scheme for cooperative investigations several years ago. I presume that you can approve the plan up to the point at least where the contract needs to be agreed to in a formal way. There is, of course a possibility that after consultation with Count Shulenburg some of the provisions incorporated in the articles of agreement may need to be modified. Trusting that you will give this matter your early attention, I am, Very truly yours, C. R. RICHARDS ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT for the use of the facilities of the Engineering Experiment Station of the University of Illinois, between the Board of Trustees of the University and the Locomotive Department of the Russian Mission of Ways of Communication through its authorized representative, Count S. I. Shulenburg: 1. The Engineering Experiment Station agrees to undertake and prosecute an investigation to determine the economic performance of a Decapod Locomotive constructed in America for the Russian State Railways, the extent and details of which are to be determined by conference between the properly authorized representatives of the Russian Mission of Ways of Communication, the Director of the Engineering Experiment Station, and the Professor of Railway Engineering of the University of Illinois. 2. For this investigation the Engineering Experiment Station agrees to furnish, without charge, the use of its Locomotive Laboratory and other necessary equipment which it now possesses, and the services of such members of the staff of its Department of Railway Engineering as would be concerned with the supervision of the tests; provided, however, that any special instruments or apparatus necessary for the successful prosecution of the investigation, not now owned by the Engineering Experiment Station, shall be purchased and paid for from the fund to be provided by the Russian Mission of Ways of Communication for the investigation. 3. In order to provide the necessary additional supporting wheels and brakes for mounting the locomotive to be tested, the Finance Committee of the Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa, has agreed to lend the Engineering Experiment Station the set of wheels, brakes, and bearings from its Locomotive Laboratory provided that the Iowa State College is freed from all ex-
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