Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
4PS BOAR© OF TRUSTEES [July 17, by the University of Illinois should in no particular' be diminished, but rather extended and enlarged. > "This action is taken in the firm conviction that the institutions of democracy, now on trial in the world can be best maintained by an educated citizenship acting intelligently upon the advice of experts of their own selection, and that to assist in the production oi the largest number of men capable of such expert guidance is the highest* duty which at present devolves upon the upper reaches of our national system of education." Sincerely yours, G. M. MGCONN Secretary of the Executive Faculty This communication was received for record. ANOINTMENT TG mn*fmmv B^MID (7) A statement that the term of Mr. A, <*. €>. Ackermann of Chicago as a member of the Advisory Board of?fc&eSchool of Pharmacy expired July 1, 1917, and that the ;state1 Pharmaceutical Association presents the names of three members -of the Association. Herman-G. Schuh, Cairo O. U. Sisson, Chkago J. R. Phillips, Springfield from whom the' Trustees are to choose one; in place of Mr. Ackermann. On motion of Mrs. Evans, Mir. O. U. Sissoft was eleeted a member of the Advisory Board of * the School of Pharmacy for five years beginning July 1, 191 f. LABORATORY FEES tN M^CtoANtC&L3NQINEEftlNQ (8) A recommendation from the Council of Administration that the following laboratory fees jbe §s£ahlish^ed; for "the ^ u ^ s e s i n shop work given in the department ,of mechanical engineering. M. E. 71, Forge work for agricultural studen|s^.v...^..^rJfj,QC> M. E. 73, Wood work for agricultural students , 1.00 M. E. ?5, Forge work. 1.00 M. E. JJ, Foundry work .._........... 3.00 M. E. 79, Pattern work -- 2.0a :-M. E. 81, Machine work .....3.0a M. E. 82, Machine work (continuation of M. E; 81)...... 2.00 On motion of Mr. Hoit, these fees were approved. MASTERS' DEGREES TO B£ CONFERRED {9) A letter from Professor Thomas A; Clark, secretary of the Council of Administration: Ju^S, W7 Br: Edmund J. Jamies, President I>EAS MR; ItasrofcNT: At its meeting on JfcJy 3, io/fft the'€<kne$ ! ofi AtauMsttalKHiy «etlag