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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
3«4 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 25, full price of the uniforms called for under this contract; that a rebate of the amount which the University actually receives from the Federal Government on account of the uniforms be paid to each student; and that otherwise the military regulations be continued in force as hitherto. On motiqn of Mr. Blair, these reconiimendations were approved. SITE FOR McKINLEY HOSPITAL (5) A statement that it appears from the present outlook that it will be impossible to carry out the plan approved by the Board for the transfer of the athletic interests from the present athletic field to the new field lying along the Illinois Central Railroad, and that because of this impossibility of transfer on account of the lack of the necessary funds, the location approved by the Board for the McKinley Hospital will not be available, No action was taken on this matter. INCIDENTAL FEE FIXED AT $15 (6) A statement that the income of the University for the next two years would probably be considerably diminished, and that the income from student fees would undoubtedly decline. The total amount appropriated in the bill now before the Legislature is $4,800,000 instead of $5,000,000. The increase in running expenses, however, will be very marked. Wages must be increased; the price of materials has advanced enormously. The cost of chemicals, for example, has in some cases risen a thousand per cent, and the prices of. all kinds of materials used by the University are mounting rapidly, I think it would be entirely proper for the Trustees to advance the incidental fee from $12 a semester to $15 a semester. During the presentation of this matter, Mr. Blair withdrew. On motion of Mr. Carr, the incidental fee was fixed at fifteen dollars a semester, to be effective September 1, 1917, HOSPITAL BILL FOR MR. JASPER DILLON (7) A letter from Professor Herbert W . Mumford recommending that doctors 5 bills to the amount of $60 be paid in favor of Jasper Dillon, a farm laborer on the south farm. This bill was occasioned by injuries resulting from an accident while Mr. Dillon was at work on the south farm. H e has been paid full-time wages for two months and is now at work again. On motion of Mr. Carr, the President of the University was authorized to order the payment of this bill if in his judgment it be justified. The vote was as follows: Aye, Mr. Abbott, Mrs. Busey, Mr. Carr, Mrs. Evans, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Taggart, Mr. Ward, Miss Watson; no, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Henrotin, Mr, Lpwden, Mr. Trevett.
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