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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i88 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [December 14, RECONSTRUCTION OF DENTISTRY LABORATORY (16) A recommendation that the sum of $2500 be appropriated for the construction and equipment of a biology laboratory for the work in the College of Dentistry. On motion of Mr. Hoit, this recommendation was concurred in. The vote was as follows: Ayes, Mr. Abbott, Mrs. Busey, Mr. Carr, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Henrotin, Mr. Hoit, Miss Watson; noes, none; absent, Mr, Blair, Mr. Dunne, Mr. Small, Mr. Trevett, Mr. Ward. FEES FOR EXTRA LABORATORY WORK (17) A recommendation from Professor W . A. Noyes, Director of the Chemistry Laboratory, endorsed by Dean Kendric C. Babcock, that authority be given to open certain laboratories during the holidays to enable students who are behind in their work or who work more slowly than the average to catch up with the class, and that a scale of fees be adopted to cover expense for laboratory material and for properly qualified assistants who will conduct the laboratory exercises. It is proposed to pay an extra fee to the persons who are in charge of the laboratory exercises as this is an extra demand on their time and energy. November 25, 1916 Dean K. C. Babcock, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences DEAR D E A N BABCOCK: As a result of a conference with Dr. Smith and Dr. Beal, and from my understanding of their discussion with you, I would recommend that we make arrangements for the Quantitative Laboratory to be open from 8-12 and from 1-5 Thursday afternoon, Friday, and Saturday, December 21-23, and T h u r s day afternoon, Friday, and Saturday, December 28-30, and that those students who obtain permission from Dr. Smith, head of the division, be permitted to work as much of this time as seems desirable on the payment of a fee of $2.00 to the University. I recommend that we arrange with one of our assistants to take care of the laboratory during the days mentioned at the rate of $0.75 per hour. I would also recommend that we be permitted to make similar arrangements for the Easter vacation, if that should seem desirable. I suppose it will be necessary to have permission from the University authorities to make the arrangements outlined. Very sincerely, W I L L I A M A. DEAR D E A N BABCOCK : NOYES In addition to my recommendation with regard to arranging for laboratory work for Chemistry 5a and 13a during vacation, I would also recommend that we be permitted to make similar arrangements in the organic division for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, December 21-23, and in the first year laboratory for Chemistry 1, ia, ib or 2a, 3a, 4, for the same dates, the fee to be $2.00 for the organic laboratory and $1.00 for elementary work. Very sincerely, WILLIAM A. NOYES On motion of Mr. Carr these requests were granted.
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