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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1916] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS i65 McKinley, J. D., Graduate and Research Assistant in Classics, on onehalf time, for ten months beginning September I, 1916, at a salary of six hundred dollars ($600) for the period. (September 14, 1916.) McMillan, 0 . C , Assistant Storekeeper in the department of chemistry, beginning September 1, 1916, and continuing until further notice, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a salary of fifty dollars ($50) a month. (August 31, 1916.) Manley, Verna A., Stenographer in the School of Music, beginning October 1, 1916, and continuing until further notice, subject to the regulations of the State Civil Service Commission, at a salary of fifty dollars ($50) a month. (October 7, 1916.) Maris, J. C , Scientific Assistant and Draftsman in the department of Mechanical Engineering, with salary at the rate of eighty dollars ($80) a month, beginning when he reports for duty and continuing until June 30, 1917. (October 21, 1916.) Meyer C. A., Assistant in Clinical Surgery, from September 1, 1916, to August 31, 1917, without salary. (October 4, 1916.) Mitchell, H. H., Associate in Animal Nutrition in the College of Agriculture and the Agricultural Experiment Station, for one year beginning September 1, 1916, at a salary of twenty-one hundred dollars ($2100) for the year; this appointment superseding his previous appointment at $1800. (August 1, 1916.) Morey, Lloyd, Instructor in Accountancy for the academic year beginning September 1, 1916, without salary. (August 23, 1916.) Morey, Lloyd, Instructor in Accountancy, with salary at the rate of one thousand dollars ($1000) a year, beginning September 1, 1916, and continuing until further notice. (October 24, 1916.) Morkel, W . A. K., Assistant in Animal Husbandry for the academic year beginning September 15, 1916, at a. salary o i twelve hundred dollars ($1200) for the year; this appointment superseding his previous appointment on one-half time. (September 29, 1916.) '. Morton, Isador, Student Assistant in Chemistry, for eight hionths beginning November 1, 1916, at a salary of ten dollars ($10) k month. ( N o vember 6, 1916.) ^Murray, N . F., Graduate Assistant in Chemistry, from November 16, 1916, to June 30, 1917, with salary at the rate of t h i r t y dollars ($30) a months (November 14, 1916.) Neill, Alma J., Assistant in Physiology* for ten months beginning September 1, 1916, at a salary of one thousand dollars ($1000) for the period. (August 25, 1916.) Nilsen, P. J., Instructor in Electrical Engineering, at a salary at the rate of twelve hundred dollars ($1200) for ten months' service, salary and work to begin when he reports for duty and to end June 30, 1917. (September 18, 1916.) » Oberdorfer, H . D., Assistant in Accountancy, on one-half time, for a period of nine months beginning October 1, 19X6, at a salary of eight hundred dollars ($800) for the period. (Oe&$£r % X£ttfi.j *Appb*£tmfcnt mad6 b'y J$e&& Ba&ock.
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