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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1916] raQOEBDItfGS QJ? TOE BOAED OM TRUSTEES. BLECTBICAk, $2,599 2,990 3,073 3,350 3,500 00 00 00 00 00 949 R. Haas Electric Mfg. Co., Springfield Caldwell Electric Mfg. Co., Champaign Henry Newgard, Chicago.. , I. W. Schwartz, Urbana F. E. Newberry Electric Co., St. Louis At this point, the hoard took a recess until 4.00 p. m. Afternoon Session, June 1 3 , 1 9 1 6 . When the board convened at 4.00 p. m., on Tuesday, June 13, 1916, after the recess, the same members were present as during the morning session. The board considered the following matters submitted by the President of the University: R E S I G N A T I O N OF JUDGE O. A. H A R K E R AS D E A N . (1) A letter from Judge Oliver A. Harker, resigning his position as Dean of the College of Law, to take effect as soon as his successor may be appointed. On motion of Mrs. Busey, this resignation was accepted with an expression of regret and appreciation; and it was voted that Judge Harker be continued as Professor of Law, devoting his time to the Moot Court, the Practise Court courses, and such other work as may be assigned to him, and that he shall continue as Legal Counsel of the University, the salary for these various duties being five thousand dollars a year. P L A N S FOR S M I T H MUSIC B U I L D I N G A P P R O V E D . (2) The revised plans for the Tina Weedon Smith Memorial Music Building. Prof. White explained these plans and proposed that the building be located east of the Auditorium and just south of Nevada Street extended, with the east facade facing Mathews Avenue. Capt. T. J. Smith, who was present, expressed his approval of the plans and the site. On motion of Mr. H'oit, the plans and location were approved. EDUCATION BUILDING. (3) A report of progress on the plans for the Education Building. No action was taken in this matter. CONTRACTS, W O M E N ' S R E S I D E N C E H A L L . (4) A protest from the Reliable Heating and Plumbing Company against the letting of the contract for plumbing and heating of the Women's Residence Hall to the firm of Callon Brothers on the ground that their combined bid was not in the form demanded by the specifications. Prof. White called attention to the fact that a clause in the specifications reserved to the University the right to waive any formality of wording or arrangement in connection with the bids. On motion of Mrs. Evans, the contracts for the Women's Residence Hall were awarded and appropriations were made as recommended by Prof. White (see page 948). The vote was as follows: Ayes, Mr. Abbott, Mrs. Busey, Mr. Carr, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Henrotin, Mr. Hoit, Miss Watson; noes, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mr. Dunne, Mr. Small, Mr. Trevett, Mr. Ward. STORES FUND. Mr. Hoit presented a recommendation of the Finance Committee that a Stores Fund of $35,000 be established in the books of the Comptroller (see page 853). On motion of Mr. Carr, this recommendation was adopted, by the following vote: Ayes, Mr. Abbott, Mrs. Busey, Mr. Carr, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Henrotin, Mr. Hoit, Miss Watson; noes, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mr. Dunne, Mr. Small, Mr. Trevett, Mr. Ward. EMPLOYMENT OF A U D I T COMPANY. Mr. Hoit also presented for the Finance Committee the matter of securing a firm to audit the accounts of the University quarterly during the coming year.
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