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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1916] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. REPORT OF B U D G E T COMMITTEE. 943 (15) The following statement: I desire to call the attention of the Board of Trustees to the fact that it will be quite impossible to carry out the building program which the board has discussed and approved in a general way within a reasonable time without appropriations in excess of the revenue likely to be produced by the mill t a x ; that is, if the other reasonable demands of the University budget as to increase of salaries of the professors, increase of the staff, and increase of the equipment, are met. I held a conference with the deans of the schools requiring the largest appropriation for equipment and additions to staff and increase in salaries, and they join in a petition to the board to request the next Legislature for a special onehalf mill tax for the period of five years to be used exclusively for additions to the plant. No action was taken. RESOLUTIONS CONCERNING DR. T. J. BURRILL. The Secretary presented the following report of a special committee consisting of President Abbott and Mr. Hoit appointed to prepare resolutions concerning Dr. Thomas J. Burrill: WHEREAS,, In the death of Thomas Jonathan Burrill, Professor of Botany, Emeritus, in the University of Illinois, a member of the first faculty of the University and for nearly fifty years associated intimately with the work of teaching and administration in the University as professor, acting regent, dean, and vice president, we have lost a great teacher, a great administrator, a great scientist, and a great man, be it Resolved, By the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, that this note of our appreciation of Dr. Burrill be communicated to Mrs. Burrill and spread on the minutes of the board; and that suitable memorial exercises be held during the coming Commencement. GRADUATE SCHOLARS AND FELLOWS, 1916-17. The Secretary presented for record the following list of scholars and fellows in the Graduate School appointed by the President of the University for the academic year 1916-17: Asronomv B * Animal Husbandry Botany Chemistry William A. Albrecht, fellowship G. H. Collings, fellowship Alva E. McCoy, scholarship Ernest R. Schulz, scholarship .Worth A. Allison, scholarship Clarence S. Anderson, scholarship Alvin T. Fishman, scholarship Horace A. Shonle, scholarship Harold D. Clayberg, fellowship Roy L. Mayhew* scholarship Silas A. Braley, fellowship Edward M. A. Chandler, fellowship Edward H. Cox, fellowship Ralph H. Dean, scholarship Robert M. Hill, scholarship Olav A. Hougen, scholarship Franklin P. Sherwood, fellowship Linton M. Smith, scholarship Allen E. Stearn, fellowship Edward Wichers, fellowship Miriam C. Akers, scholarship Dorothy L. Cuthbert, scholarship Ethel R. Murray, scholarship Adolph P. Pauli, scholarship. .: Gladys Roberts, scholarship Rachel L. Sargent, scholarship Ethel L. Bedient, scholarship Clare E. Griffin, fellowship Paul K. Knight, scholarship Kenneth D. Ross, scholarship Charles J. Stowell, fellowship Leslie R. Marston, scholarship Leland G. Osborn, scholarship Gerald S. Tebbe, scholarship William L. Parish, scholarship. . . . George K. Brady, scholarship Delmar G. Cooke, fellowship.-. Prank W. Clippinger, scholarship Alice M. Doane, scholarship Elizabeth L. Pullenwider, scholarship Marcus S. Goldman, scholarship Helen D. James, scholarship Albert Keiser, fellowship Mac E. Leach, scholarship Ralph E. Tieje, fellowship $400 300 250 250 250 250 250 250 350 250 400 400 300 250 250 250 300 250 300 400 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 400 250 250 400 250 250 250 250 250 400 250 250 250 250 250 300 250 400 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Classics Economics Education Engineering English (Architecture)
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