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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
866 SUBSIDY UNIVERSITY OP ILLINOIS. FOR PSYCHOLOGICAL REVIEW. [Dec. 14, (22) A request from Prof. Madison Bentley for a contribution of one hundred dollars a year to the support of the Psychological Review publications. The President of the University was given authority to make such an assignment of funds for the present year in case it seems to him wise. CURRICULUM IN PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY LENGTHENED. (23) A recommendation from Prof. W. B. Day, Acting Dean of the School of Pharmacy, that the curriculum for the degree of Pharmaceutical Chemist be lengthened to three years, beginning September 1, 1916, for all students beginning the course at that time. On motion of Miss Watson, this recommendation was approved. APPOINTMENT OF PROF. BLACKWELDER. (24) A request for authority to appoint Elliott Blackwelder of the University of Wisconsin to be Professor of Geology and head of the Department of Geology, at a salary of four thousand dollars a year, beginning on February 1 or September 1, 1916, as may seem best. On motion of Mrs. Evans,' the President of the University was authorized to make this appointment. D E T A I L OF M A J . R. VA MEARNS. (25) The following communication has been received from Maj. General H. L. Scott, Chief of Staff: SPECIAL ORDERS., NO. 286. Extract. By direction of the President, Maj. Robert W, Mearns, 12th Infantry, is detailed as Professor of Military Science and Tactics at the University of Illinois, Urbana, 111., to take effect January 22, 1916. Maj. Mearns will proceed to Urbana and report in person on that date to the President of the University for duty. The travel directed is necessary in the military service. By order of the Secretary of War, Official: H. P. MCCAIN, WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON,, December 9^ 1915. Major General, Chief of Staff. , H. L. SCOTT, The Adjutant General. This statement was received for record. B U I L D I N G .PROGRAM. (26) A statement from Prof. J. M. White, Supervising Architect, • concerning the building program: VIVARIUM. 1. The Vivarium Building is practically completed, and it is recommended that the board authorize a final settlement with the general contractor. He will not finish his contract until a week after the date set, but he is entitled to an extension because of minor changes in the building, and it is recommended that this extension of time be granted. ' . On motion of Mr. Hoit, an extension of one week was granted to the general contractor on the Vivarium Building for the completion of his contract, and the Supervising Architect was authorized to make a final settlement with the general contractor. CERAMICS. 2. The Ceramics Building is now under roof and plastering will begin in about one week. The contract date for the completion of this building is February 19, and it is probable that it will be ready by that time. CHEMISTRY. 3. The Chemistry Building will be ready for use in parts for the second semester of the present academic year. Freeman and Brooks, the general contractors, think now that they will have their work done by January 1, 1916. The supply of the furniture is progressing satisfactorily, and the contractor will probably begin its installation in two weeks. < GENETICS. 4. The Genetics Building is under roof and all materials necessary for its completion are on hand, so that it should be ready for use in about a month. CATTLE FEEDING PLANT. 5. The first two silos of this plant are now completed, which is all the work in connection with this building that was planned for this autumn. WOMEN'S RESIDENCE HALL. 6. The plans for the Women's Residence Hall have already been approved by the board, and are being rapidly put into shape for calling for bids. Some slight changes have been made, so that the plan now conforms to the lot dimensions permitting the building to be set- back forty feet from the street line, and still keep the rear wall on the south property line. Request is made for authority to receive
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