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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1915] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OE TRUSTEES. 301 Authorization requested for later award of contracts for the following items not to exceed the amounts stated: Tile roof $ 1,850 00 Terra Cotta work 10,000 00 Interior face brick and floor tile 2,500 00 Total Grand total VIVARIUM. General contract to A. W. Stoolman, Champaign, 111., as follows: Bid " B " $28,790 00 Deduct for interlocking tile 235 00 $28,555 00 Add for stone base, etc 397 00 Total $28,952 00 For five months' completion, the contract to carry a bonus and penalty clause of $10 per day with a maximum bonus or penalty of $300, giving a maximum contract for approximately four months' completion of . : Heating contract to Daily & O'Brien, Peoria, 111., or C. L. Moore, Moline, 111 .-. Wiring contract to Lake City Ellectric Co., Chicago, 111 Plumbing contract to Reliable Plumbing & Heating Co., Champaign, 111 Total contracts Authorization requested for later award of the following contracts not to exceed the amounts stated: Greenhouses $5,000 00 Experimental plumbing 5,000 00 , Experimental wiring 500 00 Total Grand total $14,350 00 $108,718 00 PAGE 4, S U P E R V I S I N G A R C H I T E C T ' S R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S . $29,252 00 2,850 00 671 00 1,510 00 $34,368 73 10,500 00 $44,868 73 After discussing this matter at some length, the board took a recess until 2.30 p. m. Afternoon Session, June 15, 1915. When the hoard convened after the recess, the following members were present: President Abbott, Mr. Carr, Mrs. Evans, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Ward, Miss Watson. President James, Prof. J. M. White, Supervising Architect, and Prof. W. C. Bagley, Director of the School of Education, were present. BIDS ON NEW BUILDINGS. The board resumed the consideration of the bids on the Education, Ceramics, and Vivarium Buildings. PLANS FOR EDUCATION BUILDING REJECTED. On motion of Mr. Hoit, the matter of the approval of the design of the Education Building [Minutes, July 11, 1914, page 4] was reconsidered. Professors Bagley and White were heard in the connection. The action for the approval of the plans for the Education Building in the collegiate gothic style of architecture was lost. On motion of Mr. Hoit, the Supervising Architect was directed to prepare new plans for the Education Building. On motion of Mr. Ward, all bids on the Education Building and all combined bids on the three buildings were rejected. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. The Secretary presented for approval the minutes of, the meeting of May 22, 1915, which, on motion of Mrs. Evans, were approved as printed above on pages 272 to 286, inclusive. The board adjourned until 4 p. m. on Wednesday, June 16, 1915. W. L. ABBOTT, H. E. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. President.
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