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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1915] PROCEEDINGS OP THE BOARD OP TRUSTEES. 237 suggested, and also the first meeting of the authorized Universities Committee of fifteen members. Will you kindly obtain early consideration of these resolutions, and submit your reply to the Secretary, Dr. Franklin H. Martin, Room 1308, 30 North Michigan Avenue, in order that it may be considered at the next meeting of the committtee to be held on April 29, 1915. It will be desirable, too, that formal action on the part of your board be obtained in approving the personnel of the men appointed by your President to represent you on the Universities Committee of fifteen. Respectfully • submitted, % FRANK BILLINGS, Chairman. ARTHUR DEAN BBVAN. W. A. EVANS. A. J . OCHSNER. FRANKLIN H. MARTIN, Secretary. In order to facilitate the consideration of the matter by the Board of Trustees, the President of the board asked the Attorney General of the State for his opinion as to the authority of the Board of Trustees of, the University of Illinois to enter into any such arrangement. The letter is herewith appended, with the opinion of the Attorney General. URBANA, I I I . , April 12, 1915. Hon. Patrick J. Lucey, Attorney General, Springfield, III. DEAR SIR: By direction of the President of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, I am writing in the absence of President James on account of illness, to ask if you will kindly give your opinion as to the legal rights of, and limitations upon, the University in connection with a proposed agreement between four university medical schools, of which it is suggested that the University of Illinois Medical School be one; -whereby the matters contained in the formal resolutions described below shall be a ground of common action for the four universities. At a recent meeting of some representatives from these different institutions, President James not being present, the formal resolutions herewith enclosed were adopted. You will see from an inspection of these formal resolutions that it is proposed that the universities concerned, including the State University, shall agree to act in unison with the other universities on fixing a minimum standard: 1. Of preliminary educational requirements for admission. 2. Of educational requirements and length of period of study for graduation. It is proposed further that the universities may agree: 1. To influence the State Legislature to authorize the State Board of Health to maintain a standard of admittance to practice in conformity with the standards of the universities. 2. To cooperate in, directing the graduate medical teaching of Cook County, that it may be under the educational influence and control of the universities. These proposed agreements are set forth in greater detail in the attached paper, marked Exhibit A. The questions on which the President of the Board of Trustees requests your opinion for the guidance of the board are as follows: 1. Is it within the power of the University of Illinois as a State institution, under its charter, to make an agreement with other institutions as to requirements of admission, or requirements of graduation, thus in effect giving to the other institutions, parties to the agreement, a voice in determining admission to and graduation from the University of Illinois. 2. Is it within the province and right of the University of Illinois, a State institution, through its officers to agree with others to influence, or try to influence, the Legislature in matters relating to medical education? 3. Is it within the province or right of the University of Illinois to influence, or try to influence, the State Legislature to require or authorize the State Board of Health to maintain a standard of admission to the practice of medicine in conformity with the requirements of the universities, parties to the agreement? Trusting that you may And it possible to oblige the University with your opinion at an early date, I am Respectfully yours, DAVID KINLEY., Vice President. [EXHIBIT A.] Arrangements which it is proposed shall be entered into by the University of Chicago, Northwestern University, Loyola University, arid the University of Illinois. 1. To fix a minimum standard of preliminary educational requirements for admission as follows: Resolved, That this committee recommend for adoption by the medical departments of the four universities represented, that the minimum requirement for admission to each of their respective medical departments, beginning with the academic year 1915, shall b e : (a) A standard four-year high school course, or its equivalent; (b) Two years of college work which shall include one year's study each of chemistry, physics, and biology as agreed to by the American Medical Association and the Association of American Medical Colleges. 2. With reference to requirements for graduation from medical schools: "That each (university) agree upon the four-year medical curriculum for their medical departments, beginning with the academic year 1915, as agreed to by the American Medical Association and the Association of American Medical Colleges." 3. With reference to influencing the State Board of Health: "That the universities agree to unite in an effort to secure one year as a hospital interne, as a requirement of the State Board of Health for license to practice in Illinois after 1920."
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