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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
226 UNIVERSITY Or ILLINOIS. [Mar. 9, in a warmer climate, and he would like to undertake a scientific trip to Guatemala where he would be able to do certain important work in connection with investigations which the Department of Botany now has in hand. On tUe recommendation of President James and on motion of Mr. Carr, this request was granted. N E E D OF LOT FOR SCHOOL OF P H A R M A C Y . (20) A statement as to the possibility and necessity of the purchase of a site for the School of Pharmacy Building, with an urgent request that this matter be given immediate attention, as it will not be long until the School of Pharmacy will be out of house and home unless some provision be made for it. On motion of Mrs. Busey, this matter was referred to the Finance Committee for consideration and report. L A B O R A T O R Y F E E IN PHOTOGRAPHY. (21) A recommendation from the Council of Administration that a laboratory fee of $8 be established for the course known as Photography I, given for the first time during the present semester,, to cover the cost of chemicals and other materials used by students in the course. On motion of Mr. Hoit, this recommendation was approved. P A Y M E N T OF H O S P I T A L B I L L OF MR. E. C. L E W I S . (22) A request from Prof. J. M. White that the University pay certain bills, amounting to $37.75, incurred by Mr. E. C. Lewis for medical and hospital service whiile recovering from an injury received in the service of the University, and occasioned by a crowbar falling from a platform and striking him on the shoulder. On the recommendation of President James and on motion of Mr. Ward, the payment of this bill was authorized, provided Mr. Lewis will sign a waiver of all other rights and claims resulting from this injury. The vote was as follows: Ayes, Mr. Abbott, Mrs. Busey, Mr. Carr, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Henrotin, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Ward; noes, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mr. Dunne, Mr. Hopkins, Mr. Trevett, Miss Watson. REQUEST FOR A L L O W A N C E FOR MRS, J. W . NORTH. (23) A letter from Mr. Marshall E. Gallion, attorney at law, 109 North Dearborn Street, Chicago, asking that the University make an allowance for the support of Mrs. James W. North, whose husband was killed by accident while in the service of the University in the College of Medicine (see Report for 1914, p. 670). No action was taken on this subject. PROPOSED COMMITTEE ON CAMPUS PLANS A N D ARCHITECTURE. (24) A letter from Mr. Henry Bacon, 101 Park Ayenue, New York, an alumnus of the University, suggesting that a council of three architects be appointed to criticize the general plan of the extension of the buildings of the University, and the design of individual buildings; alsol a letter from the Supervising Architect, Mr. White, approving in general the suggestion, although making other and additional suggestions in regard to the constitution'of such a council. No action was taken on this matter. WATER PURIFICATION PLANT. (25) A letter from Prof. Edward Bartow, Director of the State Water Survey, suggesting that a purification plant be established to treat the University water. On motion of Mrs. Evans, this request was referred to the Supervising Architect for report. COMMITTEE ON CONTRACTS FOR C A D E T UNIFORMS. (26) A letter from the Military Commandant, Maj. F . D. Webster, requesting that a committee be appointed to open bids and award contracts for the cadet uniforms required in 1915-16; with the recommendation that the President of the Board of Trustees, the Comptroller of the University, and the Military Commandant constitute such committee. On motion of Mr. Holt, this recommendation was concurred in. CHANGES I N CONTRACTS, C H E M I S T R Y A N D A D M I N I S T R A T I O N BUILDINGS. (27) A letter from the Supervising Architect requesting authority to make certain changes in the contracts for the Chemistry and Administration Buildings : President E. J. James, University of Illinois. DEAR SIR : I wish to submit as a matter of record the following list of changes in the contracts for the Chemistry and Administration Buildings and to recommend the authorization of same: For the Administration Building these changes include, besides miscellaneous items, the additional cost of foundations necessitated by the encountering of quicksand at certain places, alsa the changing of the roof covering from slate to tile in ord«r to match the Commerce Building, and the providing of certain strucURBANA, I I I . , , March 8, 1915.
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