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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1914] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OE TRUSTEES. 137 On motion of Mrs. Evans the recommendation was approved and the sum of $18,000 was appropriated for purchase of chemicals and apparatus. The vote was as follows: Ayes,. Mr. Abbott, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Busey, Mrs. Evans, Mr. Hoit (recorded later), Mr. Montgomery, Mr. Moore; noes, none; absent, Mr. Dunne, Mrs. Henrotin, Mr. Meeker, Mr. Trevett, Miss Watson. OPTION O N BRONSON PROPERTY. (2) A communication from Prof. J. M. White, Supervising Architect, concerning" an option on the Bronson property in Urbana: URBANA, I I I . , November 12, 191k. President E. J. James, University of Illinois. DEAR SIR: Mr. George Bronson has handed me an option on the Mathews Avenue frontage between Illinois and California Streets, which option he said was requested by the Finance Committee. He advised Mr. Moore that the option was re-idy and Mr. Moore told him to deliver it to Mr. Trevett and Mr. Trevett told him to turn it over to me. I have received it and have advised him that it will be brought to the attention of the board as soon as possible but that there was no chance whatever of the land beingtaken over before December 1, 1914, at which time the option expires. The consideration is $25,000, which is practically $80 per front foot. He says that, if the Trustees will indicate this month their desire to close at the figure mentioned, the actual transfer of the property can be deferred. I advised him that it was my understanding 'that there would be no funds available for such a purpose before the first of next July. Yours truly, JAMBS M. WHITE, Supervising Architect. No action was taken concerning this matter. A C Q U I S I T I O N OF S I T E FOR W O M A N ' S DORMITORY. (3) A statement from Judge O. A. Harker, Legal Counsel, concerning the petition to condemn lots 23, 24, and -25 in the Forestry Heights Addition to Urbana: Board of Trustees of University of Illinois, -\ ^ .... . , , ± *>n n* ^ I Petition to condemn lots 23, 24, and v Henry L. Itietz, Neilie C. Walton, and f 25, in Forestry Heights Addition t o Charles W. Walcott. J Urbana. To President Edmund J. James, University of Illinois. DEAR SIR : 1 beg to submit to you the following report concerning the above entitled cause : Petition was presented to Judge William G. Spurgin, Judge of the County Court of Champaign County, Illinois, September 26, 1914, and he set the cause for hearing for the 19th of October, 1914. He ordered jury and defendants to be summoned for that date. Hearing was had beginning on the 19th of October, which was concluded on October 22, resulting in a verdict fixing the value of each one of the three lots at thirty-five hundred dollars ($3,500). In view of the fact that the testimony of witnesses introduced by the property owners was for $4,000 for each lot, the assessment made is satisfactory. In this connection I desire to acknowledge very valuable aid from the Supervising Architect, Prof. James M. White. . The Counsel for the Board of Trustees announced to the court that it would accept the property and requested that time for payment of the compensation and the costs be extended until the 15th of December, 1914. The court granted the request, and, if the property is taken, the compensation and all costs attending the hearing must be paid on or before that date. Respectfully submitted, O. A. HARKER, Legal Counsel for University of Illinois. On motion of Mrs. Evans, the action of the University Counsel in announcing to the court that the board would accept the property at the price fixed by the jury was approved; and the Comptroller was authorized to pay the sum of thirty-five hundred dollars ($3,500) for each of the three lots to the respective parties, and the necessary court costs; and the Supervising Architect was directed to proceed with the preparation of plans for a Woman's Residence Hall to occupy the site of these lots. The vote was as follows: Ayes, Mr. Abbott, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Busey, Mrs. Evans, Mr. Hoit (recorded later), Mr. Montgomery, Mr. Moore; noes, none; absent, Mr. Dunne, Mrs'. Henrotin, Mr. Meeker, Mr. Trevett, Miss Watson. BOND FOR M I L I T A R Y SUPPLIES. The Secretary reported for record that, inasmuch as there was an immediate necessity for the execution of a bond covering property of the United States Government in the possession of the Military Department of the University, the members of the Executive Committee did communicate with one another and did unanimously approve, on October 21, 1914, the following resolution:
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