UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 [PAGE 952]

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Smith, George M., appointment, 445 Smith, Ira M., appointment, 443 Smith, James E., appointment, 440 Smith, Jessie A., appointment, 443 Smith, L. H.-, appointment, 441 Smith, Mayme L., appointment, 445 Smith, Orin H., appointment, 447 Smith, Robert A., appointment, 526 Smith, W. C. appointment, 11, 525 salary, 527 Smith, William H., appointment, 46, 448 Snodgrass, John M., appointment, 447 Snow, C. M., appointment, 63, 465 Soap dispensers, 530, 534 Social and political science and industrial economics, appropriation for, 1911-1913,139,141 Sor iology, Department of, budget, 1911-1912, 445, 451 Soil experimentation appropriation asked, 78 appropriations for, 1911-1913, 139, 142 appropriation for, included in injunction, 467 deeds for land for, 62 Soil maps and publications appropriation asked, 78 appropriation for, 1911-1913, 139,143 Somers, Gordon H. case of, report of special committee on, 468, 505 hearing, 536 South farm building, painting, 582 South Fourth street, pavement requested, 164 South Oakwood Coal Co., bid, 1910-1911, 29 Southwell, James appointment, 6 salary, 497 Spach, Annel B., appointment, 498 Spaulding, C. W., suit against J. H. Brady, 71 Special students in agriculture, 590 Spencer, E. R., appointment, 575 Spitz, Eugene, appointment, 503 Sprinkler wagon, 165 (Staircase in Commerce building, 550 Standing committees appointment of, 107 reappointed, 574 Stangland, Arthur K., appointment, 499 Stanley, Otis O., appointment, 446 Staples, O. E , appointment, 443 election, 96, 548 Starr, Solomon P., appointment, 527 State appropriations, Comptroller's report, 15, 56, 98, 161, 481, 541, 558 State board of health, money given by appropriated, 39 State Entomologist's building, painting and repairs, 438, 582 State Laboratory of Natural History, Director's report, 68 State Water Survey appropriation for, 1911-1913,139, 141 budget, 1911-1912, 450 457 Statues for Physics building, 63 Stead, W. H.. opinion, medical appropriation, 579 Stebbins, Joel appointment, 445, 599 leave of absence, 521 Steel book-cases, tower room in Library, 89 Steel lockers for Law building, 27 Steele, D. A. K. appointment, 8, 501 appropriation for medical laboratories, 91 attended meeting. 515 letter, changes in lease, 80 letter, advance of rent, 147 letter to, 519 Steele, Maude F., appointment, 46 . Steffen, Richard C., appointment, 503 Steitz, Alfred, appointment, 443 Stenographer, additional, for Registrar's office, 118 Stern Brothers, contract for articles of uniform, 116 Stevens, Robert H., appointment, 445 * Stevens, Sabra, appointment, 553

Scholarships, graduate, appropriation, 571 Scholarships in agriculture and household science, 590 Scholarships, law, authorized, 67 Scholarships, military and band, 102 Scholarships, summer session, 114,570 School of education, building for, 35 Schultz, Louis appointment, 498 salary, 527 Schultz, William S., appointment, 449 Schwartz, George F., appointment, 443 Science, College of ' appropriation requested, 42 budget, 1911-1912, 445, 451 needs of presented, 52 Scientific cabinets and collections, budget, 1911Y 1912, 452 Scott, Franklin W., appointment, 444 Scroggin, David L., appointment, 447 Scully, Mrs. E. A., deed from, 571 Sears, George W., appointment, 445 Seatree, W. E., appointment, 538 Seely, Fred B., appointment, 447 Seidenberg, N. C , appointment, 525 Seipple, Clara, appointment, 11, 502 Senate, University recommendation, 578 report of concerning the Academy, 25 Senior memorial, appropriation for deficit, 70 Senning, J. P., appointment, 575 Seymour, Arthur R., appointment, 444 Shafer, Howard, appointment, 501 Sharp, L. H., appointment, 575 Sharp, William J., lease from, 515 Shattuck, S. W. election, 96, 548 civil service, 64 honorary degree, 601 letter, 102 letter, audit report, 150 letter, College of Medicine rent, 60 letter, Library fines and telephone exchange, 42 letter, purchase of Ferguson property, 458 report, 12, 54, 96, 159, 479, 539, 556 request for appropriations for College of Medicine, 464 . resignation, 594 salary, 497 Sheep, breed specimens appropriation asked, 78 appropriation for, 140, 144 Sheep building appropriation asked, 78 appropriation for, 140, 144 Sherfel, Earl B., appointment, 446 Shepherd, Queen L., appointment, 553 Shepard, Anna L., appointment, 24, 443 Sherman, Stuart P., appointment, 440 Sherwin, Carl P., appointment, 445 Sherwood, F. R., appointment, 9 Shields, N. EL, bid on Ceramics building, 550 Shook, Glenn A., appointment, 447 Shop laboratories director, appointed, 520 Shop practice, appropriations for, 1911-1913, 139, 140 Showers, T. J., appointment, 436 Shulters, J. R., appointment, 577 Simpson, Frances, appointment, 450 Simpson, F.M., appointment, 525 Sisam, Charles H., appointment, 446 Skarstedt, M., appointment, 24 Sladek, V. R., appointment, 553 Slater, Sarah M., appointment, 446 Slater, Willis A., appointment, 448 Slavik, Edward F., appointment, 526 Smejkal, H. J., appointment, 11, 499 Smith, Mrs. Adelle C , appointment, 514 Smith, Bertram, appointment, 46, 450 Smith, Constance Barlow, appointment, 449 Smith, C. E., bid on Ceramics building, 550 Smith, Dr., appointment, 7 Smith, Elwood S., appointment, 473 Smith, Frank, appointment, 446