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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
)EX. Pipe covering, 535 Plant breeding greenhouse, appropriation asked, 78 Plath, O. E., appointment, 576 Plym Fellowship in architecture, 35, 48 rules for, 66 awarded, 146, 592 Political Science, Department of, budget, 19111912, 451 Political and social science, appropriation asked, 76 Political and social science and industrial economics, appropriation for, 1911-1913, 139, 141 Pomeroy, John N., appointment, 443 Poor, Charles M., appointment, 444 Porter, Francis M., appointment, 447 Porter, J. L., appointment, 9, 502 Post, Frederick W., appointment, 444 Post, George W., Jr., appointment, 501 Postage, appropriation for, 457 Postel, George, lease from, 515 Postelwait, Harriet L., appointment, 449 Potter, Ralph S., appointment, 95, 445 Powell, Burt, E. appointment, 443, 553 communication, 586 duties, 586 Power house, improvements in, 103 Powers, S. Ralph, appointment, 514 Pratt, Robert W., appointment, 464 President's house, painting, 582 President's expenses, traveling, 72 President's office, budget, 1911-1912, 443 President of the Board elected, 96, 548 Presidents, conference of college, 68 Press service, Agricultural Experiment Station, 582 Price, Anna M., appointment, 449 Prickett, Alva L., appointment, 473 Prince, D. C , appointment, 576 Printing, postage, catalog, appropriation for, 457 Promotions, 1911-1912, 440 Psychological laboratory, rooms for in Natural History Building, 22 Psychology, Department of, budget, 1911-1912, 444, 451 Publications, Agricultural Experiment Station, 582 Pumping station, construction of room in for fireman 70, Purchase of land by Chamber of Commerce, 599 Purington, D. V., suggestions concerning location of ceramics building, 155 Pusey, W. A. appointment, 8, 500 attended meeting, 515 communication, 578 letter, changes in lease, 80 Quine, W. E. appointment, 8, 439, 498 attended meeting, 515 request, 593 ' Quinn, Leonard C , appointment, 5Q2 Radcliffe, H. H., appointment, 45 Radebaugh, Gustave H., appointment, 514 Railway Engineering, Department of, budget, 1911-1912, 447 Randolph, Oscar A., appointment, 447, 514 Rankin, F. H., appointment, 448 Rascher, C , appointment, 553 Ratcliffe, H. H., appointment, 24 Rath, Alexander B., appointment, 500 Rathke, Walter R., appointment, 444 Rayner, William H., appointment, 447 Raynor, H., appointment, 24 Read, J. W., appointment, 575 Readhimer, J. E., appointment, 442 Readjustment of duties in mechanical engineering and general engineering drawing, 28 Real, R. G., appointment, 45, 553 Rebates to students, appropriation for, 114 907 Rebman, P. J., appointment, 24, 447 Reed, Chester O., appointment, 448 Reedj Frank W., appointment, 445 Reeves, Frances S., appointment, 24, 45, 446 Regiment, completion of organization of, 36 Regiment and band, equipment for, 36 Registrar's office additional stenographer for, 118 budget, 1911-1912, 443, 451 Registrar's report of fees, 553 Registration, table of, 522 Reiff, P. F., appointment, 24 Relatives of officers of the University, resolutions' concerning appointment of, 11 Rent, College of Medicine, advancement of, 28, 60, 83, 147 Repairs and extensions, 535 Repairs and painting, appropriation asked, 76 Repairs to buildings, 70, 533 Report of fees, new form, 535 Requisitions, authority to issue, 136 Resignations and vacancies, authority to accept and fill, 436 Resolutions C. S. N. Hallberg, 105 mini Club of Schenectady, 114 Ricardo, D. E., appointment, 11 Rich, John L., appointment, 446 Richards, C. R., appointment, 90 Rictiey, John J., appointment, 447 Rickards, B. R., appointment, 90 Rietz, Henry L., appointment, 440 Riley, Charles F. C , appointment, 446, 577 Rinaker, Clarissa, appointment, 576 Rinaker, Harriet, appointment, 442 Roberts, Mary H., appointment, 45, 449 Robertson, Nellie M., appointment, 46, 449 Robinson, Maurice H. appointment, 445 letter, certification of public accountants, 91 Robinson and Son, J. C , bid on new buildings, 528: Rodgers, Debbie A. and Vina J., deed from, 536 Rogers, H. H., appointment, 465 Rohrlack, O. H., appointment, 11, 503, 504 Romance Languages, Department of budget, 1911-1912, 444, 451 professor of, 149 Roper, Charles W., appointment, 514 Roth, W. H., appointment, 8, 498 Roland, Sidney A., appointment, 446 Royce, Edward, appointment, 449 Rugg, Harold O., appointment, 447 Rupert, R.. R. appointment, 6, 525 salary, 497, 527 Rusk, H. P., appointment, 24, 448 R-ussell, S. J., appointment, 10 Ruth, W. A., appointment, 449 Rutledge, George, appointment, 446 Ryan, Rose E., appointment, 533 Sabers for the regiment, 36 Sachs, W. H., appointment, 448 Sackett, Josephine, appointment, 553 Salaries and operating expenses, appropriation! for, 1911-1913, 139, 140 Sale of houses on site of engineering building, 159, 459 Samuell, D. E., appointment, 11 Saunders, Mrs. A. A., 548 Savage, Thomas E., appointment, 446 Saxton, Olive, appointment, 443 Sbedico, Attilio F., appointment, 444 Scheifley, W. H., appointment, 24 Schell, C , appointment, 473 Schenectady, Ulini Club of, resolutions, 114 Schmidt, Edward C , appointment, 447 Schoenberg, A. J., appointment, 11, 502 Schoepperle, Gertrude, appointment, 150 Scholars and fellows, 575 Scholarship in the College of Medicine, 39 Scholarships and Fellowships, 1911-1912, appointments, 92, 117
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