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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1910] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OP TRUSTEES. 41 I t was voted to refer this request to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds for consideration and report. BEQUESTS FOR APPROPRIATIONS FOR B U I L D I N G S . The President of the "University also called attention to the requests that have been sent in by various departments of the University that the trustees ask the General Assembly for appropriations for buildings, as follows: (a) A request for an addition to the Chemical Laboratory, costing with equipment and furnishings, approximately $300,000.00. The present Chemical Laboratory is crowded to the limit, and the increase in students taking chemistry corresponds very closely with the increase in attendance, owing to the fact that all students in the College of Science and the College of Agriculture are required to take chemistry. The place for this addition would be immediately behind the present building. (b) A request for a building to house the courses in commerce, to cost approximately* $325,000.00. (c) A request for an addition to the Library, to cost not less than $150,000.00. This is a request which the board has made twice already and represents an imperative need. (d) A request for a separate building to house the School of Education and the model school of that department, said building to tfost not less than $250,000.00. The teachers of the State are much interested in this request, as is shown by the following resolutions adopted by the Eastern Illinois Teachers' Association, meeting at Charleston, 111., on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 14 and 15, 1910. WHEREAS, The more progressive universities of this country have established or are establishing schools of education or teachers' colleges, which shall adequately represent in the university organization the needs and ideals of the teaching profession; and, WHEREAS, The present facilities at the University of Illinois for the training of high school teachers, for the training of special teachers of agriculture, manual training, domestic science, and other branches, and for the training of supervisory and administrative officers, are inadequate to the demands that the schools of the State are making upon the University for trained workers in these fields; and, WHEREAS, The investigation of general educational problems, which is so important in view of the many changes that the system of public education is constantly undergoing, cannot be adequately undertaken b y the University of Illinois because of the lack of proper buildings and equipment; therefore be it Resolved, That we do hereby request the trustees of the University of Illinois to give to the School of Education of that University the support that is needed for its development to the point where it may adequately serve the needs of the State; and be it further Resolved, That we petition the General Assembly of the State of Illinois at its coming session to appropriate out of the funds of the State not less than two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000.00) for the erection and equipment of a building for the School of Education at the University of Illinois; and be it further Resolved, That the secretary of the association be instructed to send a copy of these resolutions in the form of a petition to the Governor of the State, to the president of the Board of Trustees of the University, and to both houses of the General Assembly; and be it further Resolved, That we pledge ourselves individually and collectively to do whatever we properly can to assist in obtaining such appropriation.
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