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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1912] PROCEEDINGS OE T H E BOARD OE TRUSTEES. PAPER G—COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. 561 December 31, 1911. Medical Department— Advertising Apparatus and materials. Buildings and grounds... Dispensary Fuel and light , Furniture and fixtures... Incidentals Laboratories Laundry Library. Maternity hospital wards Museum Rent Repairs Salaries for instruction... Salaries for services Stationery and printing.. Dental D e p a r t m e n t Advertising Fuel and light fixtures... % Furniture and Incidentals Institute of Pedagogics... Laboratories and clinics.. Laundry Repairs — Salaries for instruction... Salaries for services Stationery and printing.. Total Appropriated. Expended. Balance. $ 2,000 00 1,000 00 4,820 71 500 00 6,500 00 300 00 3,000 00 6,000 00 800 00 400 00 . 1,200 00 300 00 16,250 00 2,000 00 15,625 00 17,220 00 600 00 900 450 100 600 300 3,400 500 1,000 10,015 2,520 100 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00. 00 00 $1,757 62 3,140 60 1,726 77 2,124 4,863 188 202 183 50 50 24 79 62 40 41 88 81 54 15 $ 8,125 00 4,694 00 5,750 55 171 45 797 143 82 315 300 710 133 79 48 25 64 00 17 01 242 50 937 50 1,680 47 439 21 4,773 38 222 60 875 59 1,136 12 611 19 197 46 1,016 85 300 00 8,125 00 2,000 00 10,931 00 11,469 45 428 55 102 306 17 284 21 52 75 36 3,519 57 810 00 54 25 2,689 366 1,000 6,495 1,710 45 83 99 00 43 00 75 $98,400 71 $39,995 00 $59,405 71 PAPER L — R E C E I P T S AND REMITTANCES OF T H E C H I E F CLERK FOR T H R E E M O N T H S E N D I N G D E C . 31, 1911. Balance September 30,1911 Accountancy Adams fund receipts Agricultural College Applied mechanics Band instrument deposits Blue printing Buildings and grounds Chemistry Civil engineering Crop experiment receipts Dairy investigation receipts Engineering building site Engineering Experiment Station receipts. Furniture and fixtures Geology Hatch fund receipts Heat and light Household science Interest on land contract Incidentals Library and apparatus Lockers Mechanical engineering department Philology, Journal of Railway engineering department Snyder, Edward, fund, principal Snyder Edward, fund, interest Soil examination receipts Special fees.* Stock investigation receipts Universitv fees Universiy Studies Water survey receipts $24,611 29 15 61 654 469 25 155 188 354 66 147 786 661 242 6 17 75 118 26 52 8 35 278 24 168 047 422 63 032 733 788 209 8 190 88 19 27 45 00 86 09 69 30 59 50 00 94 60 07 00 71 70 50 73 00 50 50 30 50 62 77 35 50 75 50 95 25 21,137 56 $45,748 85 —36 U
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