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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

560 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [March 19 PAPER E — U N I T E D STATES AGRICULTURAL E X P E R I M E N T STATION. December 30,1911. Adams fund -Furniture and fixtures Postage and stationery Scientific apparatus Seeds, plants and sundries , .' Appropriated. .115,000 00 Expended. Balance. 1 60 12 90 43 20 1,249 79 175 00 56 04 4,319 92 5 62 7 62 $9,129 31 314 51 $5,870 69 Adams fund receipts Hatch fund Chemical supplies Freight and express -. Labor Postage and stationery Salaries Seeds, plants and sundries ^ Tools, implements and machinery 'Traveling expenses 314 51 15,000 00 $ 20 80 7 68 789 02 18 00 82 00 60 70 2 05 353 47 $5,308 84 361 53 $30,682 04 $243 33 811,422 66 ' 3,J975 12 * 9,691 16 124 40 $19,259 38 PAPER F — S C H O O L OF PHARMACY. Expended current funds. • $848 29 906' 85 137 78 69 00 448 47 721 47 25 93 57 37 142 65 234 32 December 30,1911. Appropriated. Expended state appropriations. Balance. Advertising -Apparatus 3Fuel and light iFurniture and fixtures. incidentals Laboratories Laboratory refunds— Library Printing and postage.. Bent Repairs Salaries for instruction. Salaries for services — 'Special assessments— Telephone Water tax. :.. Total $1,000 00 1,000 00 425 00 200 00 525 00 1,000 00 260 00 200 00 300 00 6,000 00 300 00 8,470 00 2,870 00 50 00 70 00 30 00 $22,700 00 $3,000 00 3,440 00 1,190 00 28 75 2 19 23 55 $3,646 62 $ 151 71 93 15 287 22 131 00 76 53 278 53 234 07 142 63 157 35 3,000 00 65 68 5,030 00 1,651 25 47 81 46 45 30 00 $11,423 38 $7,630 00
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