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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

558 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. PAPER B — S T A T E APPROPRIATIONS. December 30,1911. [March 19 Appropriated. Expended. $207,900 00 9,000 00 80,000 00 900 00 2,000 00 1,800 00 500 00 300 00 .500 00 $6,000 00 % 500 00 1,400 00 800 00 500 00 800 00 $4,000 00 $100,000 00 25,000 00 15,000 00 4,000 00 4,000 00 21,000 00 10,000 00 5,000 00 9,000 00 125,000 00 15,000 00 10,000 00 15,000 00 5,000 00 200,000 00 50,000 00 70,000 00 •40,000 00 $88,188 12 Balance. $119,711 88 9,000 00 80,000 00 Agricultural College Agronomy green house Animal husbandry building Apparatus and appliances 1909-11— • Astronomy Botany. . Entomology Geology Mathematics Psychology. Total Apparatus and Appliances 1911-13— Astronomy Botany Entomology -Geology Physiology. Total apparatus and appliances . -- 900 2,000 1,800 500 300 500 00 00 00 00 00 00 $6,000 00 $363 75 286 58 2 17 170 49 - 264 97 $1,087 96 * $ 136 25 1,113 42 79r 83 329 51 535 03 $2,912 04 Armory Buildings and grounds 'Ceramics .' , Cabinets 1909-11 Cabinets 1911-13 Ceramics building Chemical laboratory Clinic building Cold storage ... "Commerce building , Crop experiments Dairy barn : Dairy investigation Drains, fences and repairs 1909-11. Engineering building and ground Engineering Extension and Maintenance 1909-11— College , — Experiment Station and fellowships Salaries Total eng. ex. and main Engineering Extension and Maintenance 1911-13— College * Experiment Station and fellowships Salaries.., Total eng. ex. and main Farm mechanics building Fire protection Floriculture Glags house Graduate School, 1909-11 Graduate School 1911-13 Gymnasium Heating and lighting plant. Horticulture Household science Interest on Endowment F u n d Agricultural College General Totals I. E. F 320 41 $ 99,679 59 14,426 30 10,573 70 5,629 44 9,370 56 4,000 00 19 14 3,980 86 50 50 20,949 50 8,184 35 1,815 65 2,681 94 6,373 97 5,000 00 9,000 00 122,318 06 8,626 03 10 000 00 3,561 83 2,249 26 172,134 33 "ii,438"i7 2,750 74 27,865 67 50,000 00 70,000 00 40,000 00 $160,000 00 $160,000 00 $25,000 00 35,000 00 30,000 00 $90,000 00 $ $ 8,506 45 5,853 58 11,999 92 $26,359 95 $16,493 55 • 29,146 42 18,000 08 $63,640,05 $ 133 16 407 51 •4,297 95 30,000 00 40,180 58 4,113 93 12,944 42 6,028 29 1,666 68 8,103 28 9,739 27 $17,842 55 8,000 00 $ 7,866 84 1,500 00 1,092 49 8,000 00 3,702 05 30,000 00 100,000 00 100,000 00 9,819 42 50,000 00 • 886 07 5,000 00 17,055 58 30,000 00 8,971 71 15,000 00 833 32 2,500 00 16,205 91 16,205 91 8,102 63 6,466 64 $14,569 27 $32,411 82
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