Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

214 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [ S e p t . 30 General University No. Date. To whom. Warrants—Continued, For what. Amount. 1910. 3362 Sept. 30 J. F. Pinkerton F. E. Melvin 3363 J.H.Mitchell 3364 H. E. Murdock. 3365 H. B. Dirks 3366 John Strom 3367 Rudolph Weaver 3368 3369 Joseph Rebman. Horace Rayner 3370 P. C. Phillips 3371 Anna L. Shepard 3372 I.M.Smith 3373 G.E.Phillips 3374 Fred Hooker 3375 3376 Sue W. Ford Edith Emigh 3377 3378 W. E. Alley [Marjorie V. Asche 3379 E. L. Parke 3380 Floid LeRoy 3381 3382 Win. Fogarty 3383 Frank Fogarty 3384 John Gordon 3385 Samuel Hanson 3386 Edward Hargan W. Y. Hixon 3387 3388 j.-do Frank Irvine 3389 James Irvine 3390 Arthur Moran P. F . Meharry 3391 O tta Rest 3392 John Snyder 3393 Champaign Steam Laundry 3394 Creamery Package Manufacturing Co.... 3395 W. Lewis & Co 3396 E. W. Sampson 3397 1 Neostyle Co 3398 3399 General Electric Co Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Co 3400 H. A. Hollister 3401 Callaghan & Co 3402 H. Runkel ----3403 Hektograph Mfg. & Dup. Co 3404 3405 Goder-Heiman Co 3406 J. H. Day Co Montgomery Ward & Co 3407 3408 Crescent Paper Co 3409 Gulick Pennant Co , 3410 C. H. Baddeley 3411 Henry A. Dreer 3412 Baker & Co., Inc :.. 3413 M. A. Donohue Birdsall Mfg. Co 3414 A. C. Durr 3415 Louis Ely & Co 3416 P. D. Foster .3417 Morrow Manufacturing Co. 3418 Northwestern Compo-Board Co 3419 De Laval Steam Turbine Co 3420 3421 Hermann Boker & Co Crosby Steam Gauge & Valve Co 3422 Champaign County Grocery Co 3423 Buffalo Scale Co 3424 Giese & Morton 3425 Taylor Instrument Co 3426 American Railway Engineering & Main3427 Salary, September, 1910. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do.Care of grounds, September, 1910. r .do Laundry work Oil. Comforters. Supplies... Repairs..... Book Books. Labor Duplicator....... Map Grinding plates. Material Paper Pennants Groceries Wire Printing Implements Zinc and labor. Repairs Repairing Supplies Compo board.. Bearing ,.. Material Supplies Salt Weights Furniture Repairs . . . . . . . . Express. 1 $ 10 00 45 00 50 00 140 00 140 00 70 00 150 00 70 00 100 00 80 00 60 00 91 66 60 00 25 00 83 33 60 00 85 00 50 00 75 00 33 33 47 25 45 50 45 50 53 20 51 97 45 50 53 00 45 50 49 00 13 00 45 50 45 50 7 20 1 75 4 98 2 75 28 00 2 02 2 50 27 17 22 50 35 40 7 00 8 00 7 00 16 41 27 50 8 33 2 78 2 25 73 47 10 50 424 80 6 20 6 25 10 00 5 06 42 00 2 24 1 19 153 19 1 35 3 00 49 55 16 50 2 14 193 1 00 40 31 00 3428 3429 3430 3431 Tile Green Engineering Co Pipe American Conduit Co Record.. City of Boston City Record. American Institute of Electrical The American Clydesdale Association, John Lane - — Paul J. Krez & Co |Lorentz Model Co.. .3 tenance of Way Association I 3432 3433 3434 3435| Binding.. Books do Asbestos. Model 1 50 4 00 2 00 1 r 100 00 8 io