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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

90 UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S . [March 14 The committee's fifth recommendation, for an appropriation of four thousand dollars ($4,000) for water main extensions and additional hydrants, was referred back to the committee for further consideration, with power to act. The committee's sixth recommendation, for an appropriation of one hundred twenty dollars ($120) to provide permanent lighting suitable for art exhibits in the second story of the foyer of the auditorium, was approved. The President of the University presented the following matters for consideration: ASSOCIATE PROFESSORSHIP OF MUNICIPAL AND SANITARY DAIRYING. 1. A recommendation that the President of the University be authorized to appoint B. R. Rickards to be associate professor of municipal and sanitary dairying, at a salary of twenty-five hundred dollars ($2,500.00) per annum, work and salary to begin as soon as he reports for duty. I t was voted t h a t this 'authority be given. PROFESSORSHIP OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. 2. A recommendation that the President of the University be authorized to appoint Charles Russ Richards, dean of the College of Engineering of the University of Nebraska, to be professor of Mechanical Engineering, in charge of the department, in the University of Illinois, at a salary of four thousand dollars • ($4,000.00) per annum, work and salary to begin Sept. 1, 1911. I t was voted t h a t this authority be given. PROFESSORSHIP O F THERMODYNAMICS. 3. A recommendation that George Alfred Goodenough, associate professor of Mechanical Engineering in the University of Illinois, be appointed professor of Thermodynamics from Sept. 1, 1911, at a salary of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) per annum. I t was voted that this appointment be made. BLANKET BOND FOR MILITARY SUPPLIES. 4. A request from Major B. C. Morse, commandant, that a blanket bond amounting to eighty thousand dollars ($80,000.00) be executed, in accordance with the recommendation of the Ordinance Department, to cover the military supplies now in the possession of the University of Illinois and subsequent supplies as they may be ordered. Action on this matter was deferred until the next session of the Board of Trustees. IMPORT ORDER FOR BOTANICAL LABORATORY. 5. A request from Dr. T. J. Burrill, professor of Botany, for authority to issue an import order for supplies for the botanical laboratory for the year 1911-1912, to an amount not to exceed six hundred dollars ($600.00.) I t was voted t h a t this authority be given and that the corresponding appropriation be made.
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