Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

718 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [July 8 School of Pharmacy Warrants—Concluded. No. Date. To Whom. F o r What. Amount. | 1908 262, May 29 E. N. Gathercoal C. M. ?>now A*. H . C l a r k 265 Rudolph Meseck 266 Hattie Erickson 267 R obt. Benson, a g e n t 268 J o h n R. T h o m p s o n , county collector 269 J u n e 10 W . B. Day, actuary 270 Chicago E n g i n e e r Supply Co. 271 272 United States Coal Co 273 Fuller & Fuller Co 274 Bausch & L o m b Optical C o . . 275 Randolph Box & Label C o . . . 276 Stebbins, Hardware Co 277 N eostyle Co 278 279 Illinois State R e f o r m a t o r y — 280 High School Life .'. 281 J u n e 20 Goes Lithograph Co 282 Illinois State Reformatory 283 W. B. Day, actuary 284 J u n e 30 W . B . D a y 285 A. H. Clark 286 R. Meseck 287 Hattie Erickson 288 .do Salary, May, 1908 . .do Rent, J u n e , 1908 Assessment Bills paid Supplies Repair roof Coal Drugs Repairs Hardware Stencil supplies Supplies Stationery , Advertising Diplomas Postage Salary, J u n e , 1908 . .do N Rent, J u l y , 1908 : $ 50 00 50 00 50 00 65 00 45 00 416 66 18 38 104 53 1 26 175 23 33 36 49 55 2 50 5 70 , 2 43 4 00 6 04 50 50 6 00 18 50 4 30 185 00 80 00 50 00 65 00 45 00 416 66 COLLEGE OF MEDICINE No. Date. To Whom. WARRANTS. F o r What. Amount. 1907 1 July 2 • 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 8 H.W.Cole R. C. McCormick H. M. Hooker W. C. L u h n o w Coal Co Frink & Y o u n g Fuller & Fuller Co Library Bureau Rounds-Truman Co High School Life Surgical Publishing Co., of Chicago T h e Plexus Claude J. Bell Almquist Express Co Wm. J. Maas T h e Fair Goodheartjs Laundry Edwin Hair V. Mueller & Co Marshall Field & Co E.Steiger&Co Hamblin P l u m b i n g Co Illinois State Reformatory T h e Paper Mills Co Cameron A m b e r g & Co Marshall Field &. Co Riddiford Bros Chicago Towel Supply C o . . . . Labor Rent Glass , Rent Pettv expenses Coal Laboratory supplies Drugs Pens Diplomas Advertising $ 35 25 17 80 8 34 • 17 00 88 51 171 04 2 50 55 79 1 00 37 55 66 75 22 50 56 25 25 00 23 75 1 13 9 68 7 50 4 76 67 00 37 31 9 00 35 60 1 25 48 23 1 15 1 85 392 25 33 25 48 75 2 40 9 24 61 18 8 00 31 98 Hauling Hardware Ice Lau ndry work Hauling ' Laboratory Supplies Instruments Dry goods Printing Envelopes