Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1906] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 33 Also the expenditure of $200 from the funds of the Engineering Experiment Station for the purpose of building a shed for the storage of test coal. This shed to be located by the side of the University coal track, and near the Engineering Experiment Station building. The expenditure was approved, and the amounts called for, $500 and $200, were appropriated from the funds named. EXHIBIT OF EAILWAY TESTING CAR AT ELECTRICAL TRADES EX- HIBITION. The Conimittee on Engineering presented the following recommendation which was approved, and the appropriation made as asked for. CHICAGO, Dec. 10, 1906. Hon. S. A. Bullard, President Board of Trustees, University of Illinois: DEAR SIR—To enable the Electrical Engineering department to exhibit its railway testing car at the Electrical Trades exhibition to be held in Chicago in January, 1907, the Engineering Committee recommends that an appropriation of $500 be made for this purpose. This money to be appropriated from the following named funds: From the electrical engineering department $150 00 From the railway engineering department , 150 00 From the general fund . 200 00 Total :... • Respectfully submitted, W. L ABBOTT, $500 00 Chairman Committee on Engineering. Bills for services as appraisers of the buildings of the College of Physicians and Surgeons were presented by Dr. Davison, and were ordered paid: The bill of W: Carbys Zimmerman for $100.00 and the bill of Beers & Beers, architects, for $100.00. TREASURER'S EEPORT. The secretary presented the treasurer's report for the year ending Sept. 29,1906. The report was referred to the Finance Committee. -3 U