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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

514 Agronomy Animal husbandry Dairy husbandry Horticultural Household science UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. [July 8 $ 1,500 00 1,500 00 7,000 00 , 1,500 00 500 00 $12,000 00 State station soil examination 700 00 State station corn experiments V. 4,000 00 State station dairy investigation 2,000 00 U. S. station, Hatch fund 1,500 00 State station treatment of orchards 1,000 00 The $7,000 mentioned in dairy husbandry includes the" $4,000 which you asked for at the last meeting, and this is $3,000 additional. Very truly yours, S. W. SHATTUCK, July 1, 1908. Approved, E. DAVENPORT. Comptroller. The appropriations were made as requested on motion of Mrs. Evans. COMMUNICATIONS FROM V I C E - P R E S I D E N T BUKRILL. Vice-President Burrill made t h e following recommendations: 1. I recommend that a small cistern he made at. the University greenhouse to provide soft water for washing decorative plants; this with pump will cost about $30.00. Also that a larger supply pipe for watering the tennis courts south of Springfield avenue be put in; this will cost for one and one-half inch pipe from the main on Springfield avenue about $65.00. The appropriation was made as recommended. 2. I recommend that $200.00 be appropriated towards twelve prizes of $25.00 each (the balance to be made up from funds on hand belonging to the oratorical association) for the men chosen to represent the University in the four intercollegiate debates for next year; also that $75.00 be appropriated for one prize of $50.00 and one prize of $25.00 to be awarded for the contestants for the Northern Oratorical League, this to take the place of the same sum heretofore provided for the Hamilton contest which has been discontinued. The recommendation was adopted on motion of Mrs. Busey. 3. I recommend that F. W. Carpenter be appointed associate in Zoology at the salary of $120 a month for the two years beginning September 1, 1908. Dr. Carpenter was last year instructor in zoology at this same salary, but his reappointment was evidently overlooked. The appointment was made an, the motion of Dr. D'avison. 4. I recommend that the report with regard to deposits, when approved by the council of administration, be referred to the Committee on Finance with power to act. The recommendation was approved on motion of M r s / Evans. P U R C H A S I N G X4.GENT A P P O I N T E D . On recommendation of the Comptroller,, Professor Shattuek, and on motion of Mrs. Evans, Mr. N". Hay was re-appointed Purchasing Agent at a salary of $1,800.00, for the year beginning J u l y 1, 1908.
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