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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1908] PROCEEDINGS OP THE BOAED OF TRUSTEES 425 Mr. Daehler, chairman of the Class Committee, has been requested to present the design for approval at this meeting. I t was voted that the class committee be requested to submit its design to a committee appointed by the board, and that the committee report to the board upon the design. Miss Wetmore, Professor Lake, and Professor Bicker were appointed upon the committee. REPAIR BUDGET. " I submit herewith a summary and also a detailed statement of building repairs. I t is not absolutely necessary that all these be made this summer, for not knowing how much money may be available I have included many items that are desirable but not essential. " I have not included the finishing of the space in the Auditorium under the Memorial Vestibule, which would cost about $900.00." The budget was referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds for investigation and report. AUDITORIUM. On motion' of Mrs. Alexander, it was voted to pay English Brothers $15,000 on account, on their contract* for the erection of the Auditorium. On motion of Mrs. Evans it was voted to pay John O'Neil & Sons $685.00 in full satisfaction • of their contract for heating the Auditorium. REPORT OF THE) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. URBANA, February 5, 1908. lo the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. At a meeting- of the Executive Committee, held at the University February 5, 1908, at which the Chairman, Mr. Abbott, and Mr. Lehman of the Executive Committee were present, also Mr. Blair and Mrs. Busey, members of the board, and President James, the following business was transacted: IN MEMORY OF DR. KARSTEN. President James called attention to the death of Professor Gustave E. Karsten, Head of the Department of Modern Languages and Professor of German in the University. I t was voted to continue the salary of Professor Karsten until the next meeting of the Board of Trustees in March and make it payable to his widow. i It was voted that the President of the University make the necessary provision for Professor Karsten's courses during the current semester. It was also voted that the President prepare an obituary notice for the minutes of the Board of Trustees. Also that the President be given authority to look for a successor to Professor Karsten. It was also voted on nomination by President James that Dr. W. C. Bagley, teacher in the State Normal School at Oswego, New York, be appointed Professor of Education at a salary of $2,500 a year, work and salary to begin September 1, 1908, with the understanding that Professor Bagley will render service in the Summer Session of the University in return for the usual professor's remuneration of $300.
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