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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

416 UNIVEESITY OF ILLINOIS. [Dec. 12 authorized to ask the war department to detail two additional officers as assistants to the commandant. This will involve a certain amount of expense. We are paying- at present the sum of four hundred and twenty dollars ($420) a year as quarters to the commandant. Some similar payment might be necessary in the case of other officers. Voted that the recommendation of the president be approved. 8. The salary of Miss Sue W. Ford, clerk in the college of engineering, was fixed by the Board at its session in the summer, at nine hundred dollars ($900) for twelve months. Miss Ford was offered a considerable increase of salary to leave the University for another position, and I assured her that I would recommend to the Board that her salary be increased by one hundred dollars ($100) for the year. I therefore make said recommendation. Voted on motion of Mrs. Evans that the recommendation of the president be approved. NEW BUILDINGS; ARCHITECT." 9. The Board of Trustees at a previous meeting voted that the preparations necessary for the.erection of the two buildings for which money was granted by the last legislature be postponed until after the adjournment of the present session of the legislature. It looks now as if this adjournment might be delayed indefinitely. The University stands in great need of these buildings and I recommend, therefore, that the state architect be requested to proceed with the preparation of plans for the physics laboratory and for the addition to the natural history building and in consultation with the President of the University and the Committee on Buildings and Grounds prepare and submit plans for these buildings to the Board of Trustees for their approval as soon as possible. Voted that said recommendation be approved. DAIRY BUSINESS. Mrs. Alexander moved that the Committee on Agriculture investigate and report to the board the commercial aspects of the dairy business as conducted by' the University, and the motion was adopted. The board adjourned. W. L. PILLSBURY, W. L. ABBOTT, Secretary. President.
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