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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. FILIPINO STUDENTS. [Dec. 6 I t was voted that the Filipino students in attendance at the University by direction of the Government, to the number of twelve, be granted exemption from the payment of tuition fees. BOND FOR RIFLES. The secretary presented a letter from Colonel Fechet asking for the execution by the University of a bond in the penal sum of $216.00 to cover the issue to the University by the War Department of six gallery practice rifles, and it was voted, on motion of vMr. Madden, that the president of the board be authorized to execute such a bond. AUDIT COMPANY'S EEPORT. Mr. Lehman presented the Audit Company's report for the six months ending June 30, 1907: THU AUDIT COMPANY OF ILLINOIS. CHICAGO, AUGUST 13, 1907. Alexander McLean, Esq., Chairman of Finance Committee, Board of Trustees, University of Illinois, TJfbana, Illinois. DEAR SIR—Agreeably with your instructions, we have examined the books and accounts of the comptroller's office for the period January 1, 1907, to June 30, 1907, and submit the following statements as reflecting" their condition: Exhibit A—Trial balance January 1, with cash, warrant and transfer entries to June 30, with trial balance at June 30, 1907. Exhibit B—Statement of cash receipts and disbursements, January 1, to June 30, 1907. Exhibit C—Reconcilement of chief clerk's cash balance. Exhibit D—Reconcilement of treasurer's cash balance. Exhibit E—Vouchers missing*. Exhibit F— Differences between records of registrar and chief clerk, first semester 1906-1907. Exhibit G—Differences between records of registrar and chief clerk, second semester 1906-1907. Exhibit H—Errors on records of chief elerk. Exhibit 1—Students' fees and deposits shown on registrar's sheets, for which no receipts are shown by chief clerk. Exhibit J—Students' fees and deposits unpaid, first semester. ExhibU K—Students' fees and deposits unpaid, second semester. The vouchers for all disbursements were carefully examined and compared with warrant register, and found to have been properly made out and entered and were all duly authorized for payment with one exception as noted on our exhibit E, which exhibit also gives a list of vouchers which were not on file at date of this audit. The receipts for students' fees and deposits, for first and second semesters of 1906 and 1907, were compared with the records of the registrar and were also checked against the cash book entries, the exceptions and errors being" noted on our exhibits F, G, H and I. At the commencement of our audit we found the chief clerk's cash $719.28 in excess of the balance called for by the cash book. This surplus in cash was reduced to $93.12 and this amount charged up on the cash book Aug*ust 2d to balance cash on hand with cash book balance. (See exhibit C.) We would suggest in this connection that the cash be balanced every day. In this manner errors could be promptly detected, while at present the cash differences keep increasing and causing a considerable amount of worry and work to adjust.
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