Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

866 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [Sept. 10 Afternoon Session, September 10; 1907. When the board met after the recess the same members were present as in the morning. The following resolution offered by Mr. McLean was adopted: Resolved, That all matters referred to a committee of this hoard shall he fully set forth and that they shall report in regular form their action, said report to be signed by the members of such committee agreeing thereto. The following resolution offered by Mr. McLean was adopted: Resolved, That our records hereafter shall show by whom any motion was made and action had thereon. F E N C E ON HORTICULTURAL GROUNDS. The Committee on Agriculture reported as follows: The Committee on Agriculture report that they do not approve of committees letting contracts without authority from the board and they make no recommendations as to-what shall be done, with the fence contracts. FRED L. HATCH. MARY E. BUSBY. On motion of Mr. Hatch the sum of $569.65 was appropriated to cover the cost of the fence around the horticultural grounds, Mrs. Busey voting no. MATTERS SUBMITTED BY PRESIDENT JAMES. 11. The opportunity of purchasing a good working classical collection for the library at a reasonable price is now offered to the University. The library of the late Professor Doctor Dittenberg of-the University of Halle is offered to the University by Rudolph Haupt, a bookseller of Leipsic, for the sum of 10,000 marks. The bookseller offers to pack and ship the books at the expense of the University. This may cost $500.00 more. Deans Kinley and Greene and Professors Moss and Barton unite in recommending that this library be purchased. On motion of Mrs. Alexander it was voted that $2,500 or so much thereof as may be necessary be appropriated for the purchase of this collection. 12. The following persons have been recommended by the faculty of the Graduate School .upon the nomination of the Director of the Engineering Bx-« periment Station for appointments as research fellows, for the academic year beginning September 1, 1907: ¥ Department of Architecture, Clarence Noerenberg. '* Department of Physics, Willard L. Egy. Department of Applied Chemistry, Charles K. Francis. On motion of Mrs. Busey the nominations were approved. 13. Dr. T. J. Burrill requests an appropriation of $1,400.00 for expenses in the department of botany. On motion of Mr. Hatch this amount was appropriated. 14. Professor S. A. Forbes asks for an appropriation of §585.00 for laboratory assistance in the department of zoology. On motion of Mr. H a t c h this sum was appropriated. 15. Request from the editor of University Studies for an appropriation of $1,200.00 per annum for the expense of preparing and printing said Studies. On motion of Mrs. Evans this sum was appropriated.