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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

2 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS [Sept. 25 President James made announcements as to the attendance in the several departments of the University, H e also announced that the fire department of the University had on the occasion of two recent alarms shown great efficiency. The loss in each case was very slight. On motion of Mr. Kerrick it was voted that the Committee on Students' Welfare inquire as to the healthfulness of the waters used by the students of the University, both as to the general public supply and that from other sources; and that said committee be empowered to have proper tests made to the end that our students may be assured that the waters they are using are safe and free from impure germs or impurities, or duly warned against their use if found impure and unsafe. REQUESTS PROM CHAMPAIGN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. 1. A request from the retail merchant members of the Champaign Chamber of Commerce, Champaign, Illinois, to have the privilege of access for their rating committee to the registrar's records of the University, in order to get a better credit rating record of the members of the student body than has heretofore been available. Voted that the board regrets that it cannot see its way clear to granting this request. There seems to be considerable doubt as to whether it would have the authority to grant the same. Also a request from the secretary of the Champaign Chamber of Commerce asking the Trustees of the University to have restored to all letter-heads and publications the name Champaign in giving the address of the University, the address to be Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. With regard to this Dr. Davison offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the University place the names Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, upon the letter-heads of th© University.when it has been arranged with the post office department and telegraph companies for free delivery of mails and telegrams to the University, its officers, teachers, and students living in Urbana when these are addressed to Champaign, Illinois, and when bus, cartage, and express charges to the University, its officers, teachers, and students be made equal whether to Champaign or Urbana. This resolution, together with the communication from the Chamber of Commerce and other allied matters, was referred to a special committee, consisting of the president of the board, President James and Mrs. Busey, for investigation and report. AUDITORIUM. 2. A report from Mr. C. H. Blackall, architect of the Auditorium building, on the present condition and future prospects of the building. Voted that the report be printed in the minutes of the board. CHAMPAIGN, I U J N O I S , September 12, 1906. President E. J. James, University of Illinois. DEAR SIR: I have just completed a very careful and detailed examination of the work in progress for your new Auditorium, and beg to report as follows: When the work was begun last spring, I worked out a detailed schedule of dates at which the various portions of-the work should be completed in order that the entire building should be ready for your use within the time set by your contract. The work.was really started too soon, considering the great amount of material which had to be prepared at considerable distances, consequently during the first few months the building seemed to drag unnecessarily. On the first of September, however, the work as a whole was
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